The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

must get into law school. must get into law school…hey do u know if mcdonalds is hiring?

Business loans are harder to get than College.

Case and point, look at the news, the Gov handed out more money for college than ever before.

Making it easier to send kids to college.

Its no longer a “I want to get in XXX school” thing. Its a “Hey Joe Blow WE (insert university here) want YOU!!!.” Because guess what, the college is a BUSINESS! If the “customers” are being handed money left and right to spend on school, hell yeah they will pull in what ever students they can.

That leads to over population on campuses, crowded classrooms, lesser quality, more quantity education. Its not hard AT ALL to get a degree, read book, study, cheat, what ever it takes to pass the test. WAY MORE degrees are handed out more than ever to piss poor students.

Which brings me back to the business part. My company wants to hire and gets flooded with Joe Blows all with the same resume. 1-6 years of school, zero to very little experience. I would hire the dude with a bunch of experience over the book reader experienced dude with an expensive piece of paper, if I wanted the work to actually get done and done correctly.

No offense but kids like the OP are the biggest reason for this fucked up younger economy and job market.

You aren’t the only ones. And how many applicants come in young with a flashy degree no experience and cant pass an interview full of real world work examples/questions.

Most of the smartest, best working, quality producing, WELL PAID people I know have little to NO degree. And to further solidify my theory, I know MANY people with major degrees, working in unrelated fields, have unsteady employment, lack luster performance and are struggling.

9 times out of ten it boils down to the person. You want to be successful, you will be, if you think success is handed to you at graduation the unemployment line is to the left.

I will be the first in my immediate family to get a bachelors degree, and guess what, I’m going to law school as well… Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


I’m going to college for the sole reason to outsmart people on Shift518.

That’s why google is my homepage.

Benny and I are pretty much a shoe-in for a nobel prize says our professor, Dr. Mario

I had a 3 year break from school and the students have deff changed a lot in that tume. Kind of depressing.

I got an A-

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


im going to a technical school like UTI or wyotech.

Well that’s a waste


The major problem that I see is that people go to school without knowing what they want to do so they take a general course.

Let me just say that if you are going to college for the piece of paper they give you so you can get a job, then you are doing it wrong.

If people went to college for the sole purpose of learning and increasing your overall knowledge things would be different. Instead, most people I know sign up for Lib Arts or Business or Psych, and then fail or do poorly because they are to involved with partying or other bullshit. They care more about the experience than learning. Then when they graduate they have the same degree that a million other people have, didn’t learn jack shit, and can’t find anyone to hire them.

It took me a bit of trial and error but once I learned that I love working with IT I went all out. Now I have a cushy 9-5 job, amazing benefits, a super flexible boss, my business on the side which makes me as much money as my 9-5’r and I actually learned something when I went to school.

Just my .02


Exactly 99.

I didnt fuck off in school becasue I did what school is supposed to be for and got an education I used, and have worked in that field, non-stop for the last 8 years. Got laid off twice from loss of contract (nothing I did wrong) found jobs instantly and was back to work with in 1-3 weeks.

Now if I were to go back to college, it would be just to fuck off and make up for lost time! LOL

sometimes it takes a few tries, but you gotta find something you like, couldn’t agree more. seeing as i have had 4 majors lol…and 2 minors.

Went to UTI and dropped out after 8 months. That place was a fucking joke!

Ill hop in the trenches with L4B on this one, I get a kick out of guys doing the 9-5 grind calling an entrepreneur brainwashed.

LOL, I’m the first in my family to get a degree so L4B your wrong again. You on the other hand have followed your fathers dishonest and sketchy footsteps quite well