The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

congrads, your 1 in 42347249231741230

…some poor guy just won mega millions and is now a millionaire, prolly means we should all buy tickets and become millionaires huh? Not how it works.

I buy one of those once in a while.

let me guess… ur one of the 5897507502347523704957423523495780948059234809757809347805995 people who didnt win???

That’s a big number

L4B once again you never cease to amaze me. Yea you can make money without a degree but you neeed to HUSTLE for the rest of your life, and if you don’t you don’t have anything to fall back on. Buying/selling gold, trying flip cars on craiglist, looking into being a auto wholesaler, wanting to tow cars for $, selling fake northfaces, owning a pawn shop etc etc. for the rest of your life you’ll have to hustle for your money. Realize it or not your working 24/7. Makin money is your life. I’d like to say I have a life and my job is completely separate. People like to work 9-5 and when you leave at 5 it’s over and you don’t have to think about it until the next day. 401k, health benefits, and numerous other benefits that you wil pay for outta pocket are other things you don’t think about. Yeh you can make 150k a year working nonstop. I’ll take my 70k with benefits, stress free, 40hrs a week, with a family and tons of time to enjoy myself

It’s cease bro, you never CEASE to amaze me.

and don’t you work at a gas station?

Don’t you work at a gas station? lol

Im gonna have fun with this one…

first of all 9-5 jobs fucking SUCK some random ni99ers 12 inch cock… My dog got loose the other day at 2pm, guess what I did? Left my store and went home… Lance and I made an apointment to go look at a property for rental 3 days ago at about 4pm, guess what I did? Left the store… If im fuckin hungry and wanna go to Mcdonalds guess what im gonna do!? GO eat me some fuckin chicken nuggets… you cant do SHIT unless your told you can FUCK THAT.

Second of all, my store closes at 6pm, after 6pm I dont do shit unless I WANT to… If someone calls me with a ps3 I tell them to fuck off, if they call me with 6 ounces of gold and I can make $2-3k fuck yeah im gonna do it.

Your job isnt gaurenteed and never will be. YOUR life is in the hands of your employer who could go bankrupt, sell his business or just cut back on expenses and fire you. You have to be to work on time, watch what you say at work, watch what you do at work ext, sorry but that life sucks…

I hustle because I LOVE it. My goal is to have 2-3 maybe more business’s/stores plus property and sit back and do nothing while my money makes itself…

BTW $150k??? Better keep going buddy

Your so brainwashed it’s funny. There are many different employers and I’m pretty sure I can take my break whenever I want or even leave for the day if I feel like it, maybe you need to keep a better watch over your dog idk what to tell you. Once again thank you for proving my point even further, I AGREE a business can go bankrupt and I can be fired in a second. THAT’S WHY I HAVE A DEGREE, Its always something to fall back on and I can go get a job somewhere else. Btw I don’t have 1$ in debt from school, if your smart and don’t go to a 50k yr college it’s not hard to do. I LOL at you saying you make more then 150k a year selling fucking tvs and laptops from crack heads. Yes the BUSINESS might profit 150k but that’s not what’s going in your pocket after all the expenses

So true man, not all jobs are shitty.

I love how this thread is turning into a huge dick measuring contest of how much everyone makes. WHO CARES!?

love4boost is in a situation where the gold market is doing very well. Who knows where it will be long-term. I for one really wouldn’t own a business like that because you really don’t know where it’s going to go. Again, this is my own view on it. If I always had to “hustle” to make my paycheck each week it would stress me out to no end.

I really don’t see how 9-5 jobs are that bad if they pay you well and offer good benefits, 401k, etc.


im not brainwashed, you are lol… Your parents parents went to college, your parents went to college and now you are/did. Thats all youll ever know and thats all youll ever tell your kids.

Im actually NOT saying a degree isnt good to have, but rather IF your going to spend the outrageous money that so many people are it just isnt worth it… You obviously did something correct to not be a dollar in debt and I congratulate you, I swear I do. This being said the kind of degree you have and what you went to school for also pays a HUGE roll in going or not going to college. TONS of people will NEVER EVER get a job in the field that they went to school for.

Last, Electronics are about 8% of my business, precious metals are the remaining 92%… $150k isnt shit and my business makes faaaarrrr more then that.

Funny thing is I made MORE money when gold was $600-700 an ounce then now at $1,600… The reason being there wasnt 8 million stores buying gold and it just wasnt worth much to people… As for hustling for your paycheck, when you make 10-12 times what you would from a normal good paying job you stop worrying about it and just live… I dont stress at all… I could make $4k one week and 12k the next.

i hope anyone doesnt think im trying to downtalk them at all because thats not my intentions, even germanpsi whos been on my cock since his buttbuddy alex started with me. I make threads asking about certain shit so that I could be smarter then I was before… I learned everything I know now from OTHER people… Seems like people on here just want to argue instead of taking valuable info… I made a thread the other day about the tow truck industry because I was curious… im not curious anymore.

Lance who I barley knew a year ago asked me for advice becuase he recognized my good business skills and now I make lance at LEAST a thousand dollars a week ONLY WORKING 3 HOURS ON FRIDAYS AND 5 HOURS ON SATURDAYS. Making a thousand dollars in an 8 hour day just isnt possible working for someone in upstate ny which is why I opt for small business…

Im in the process of locating and opening up a new store with lance right now which should be extremely profitable.

fuck i hate my job

Thats because a lot of people don’t know what they want to do for a living and jump into some generic field like criminal justice. You need to narrow down to a field that points in the direction of one job, for instance the medical field or therapy, my wife got her masters from Utica College in Occupational Therapy, got a job right out of school (actually had about 4 or 5 offers right off the bat) and makes very good money.

Me personally, I never finished college (I also didn’t pay for it either I used my GI Bill) but I found a good job that I have been at for over 5 years now with good pay and benenfits. I consider myself lucky because it wasn’t easy getting a job right out of the Marines, especially as a radio operator, doesn’t give you many fields to work in!

I do what I love to do and make shit for it compared to some others I know. Yet i’m still happy, I have fun and enjoy it.

Now im at a point where I’m making some big strides and will be potentially opening myself up to be making some good money and turning this business I run into something bigger and better.

With any luck in the next year or so after the owener/my boss gets some of his paperwork that hes slacked on straightened out we can look on expanding. We are at a point right now to where we have more work then we can handle, have trouble finding competent people to work for us

hey leave my incredibly generic not usable 4 year degree alone :ahh
