The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

I got a real job. :confused:



I have four people in my developmental psych course :rofl

I’m desperate for a real job.

Want mine?

Software System Architecture, Applied Linear Algebra, Foundations (math), Computer Engineering Junior lab, Microprocessors, and Freshman economics this semester.

Woo cant wait to get back to school tomorrow. I’m ready for some routine in my life but I dont want to be doing school work.

You’re a conductor right? If so… I applied for it haha

fuck college, anyone whos gonna spend $150k+ on school give me the money, ill take $50k for myself and start you a business that makes $150k or more a year.

Yea for another 3 weeks then I’m taking a promotion.

Promotion to engineer?

Chances are if you’re spending 150k on education, you’re either doing it wrong or will make that and then some every year as soon as you are out. i.e. specialized doctor,corporate lawyer, etc. Hell PA’s are making 100k a year right from the get-go.

You offer health and dental benefits too?

idk as I never went to college, but anyone that I know that didnt go to a community college is $80k+ min in debt. I just feel like the time and money spent on school could have went into building a successful business.


Coming from someone who spent over 50k on my schooling at Clarkson you would imagine that if it’s as easy as you say it is you’d see much more people going out and starting a business rather then going to school.

Not dissing you, I’m sure you’re doing well for yourself, but I highly doubt starting your own business and being profitable is as easy as you make it out to be.

I went to college, am in a considerable amount of debt and will be over the course of the next ten years or so but I’ll take my job with it’s current benefits (401k w/ match, full health & dental benefits, profit sharing, & endless room for promotions) over the hassle and risk of starting and owning your own business.

The days of graduating from college with a degree in business or anything like that are long over. If I was going to do school all over again I would go for something specific like pharmacy school. If you can manage to maintain good grades your basically guaranteed a job out of school.

Agreed, people going to school and graduating with degrees in business or liberal arts and thinking they’re going to get a job is over. Sadly enough alot of the guys I went to college with who majored in mechanical/civil engineering had a difficult time getting a job out of college unless you had a 4.0 GPA or had interned/co-oped with a company prior to graduation.

Even nowadays, my Bachelor of Science is considering pretty typical for most Engineering students. I’ve seen more kids come out of schools with Masters and Doctorates in Engineering over the course of my past five years working then I care to discuss. I’m more then likely going to end up going back to school for my MBA down the line once I become promoted to a manager position, which most companies will fully reimburse.

I’ve never got a loan so im not sure, but I THINK its a ton easier to get a school loan rather then a business loan… That being said most people dont have the capital ($80k+ like I stated earlier) to even start a business… If they did however I DO think that alot of people would opt for starting a business rather then going to college…
If you have half a brain, arent lazy and have capital one can start a successful business…

Never went to community college, have 0 student loan debt, 4 yr degree, and job utilizing said degree. Woot?

Considering grad school, would love to get job to pay for it.