The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

Dropping out of college to sell gold BRB.

What’s your schedule man?

Sccc is muggy as fuck inside. Guess that’d happen when a building floods though.

3rd week of classes at Maria. 1/3rd of the students are gone already. :rofl


So… Much… CP…

What is this skool?

pretty sure benny is in my class as SCCC on tuesday and thursday nights :ninja

heard school fuckin sucksss

Check your pms

Back to school soon. Going full time (nights + saturdays) at sccc this semester.
Circuits II, Fuel Cells, Chemistry, Enviro Sci

who else?

Damnit I need a real job now that I graduated

fuck you


they still havent listed who our teacher is for circuits. Rivera is teaching Cad on mondays, so he’s out hopefully

I may be headed back to HVCC for a semester or two then over to Saint Rose. Havn’t decided if I want to make the plunge yet.

What you going for man?

Anyone in grad school?

alternative energy. started off easy last semester (first time back in a classroom since 2000) with 1 class plus 1 online class. Jumping in full time now while still working full time.

Good for you dude.

thanks. having a decent paying job has made me lazy for way too long now :lol

no future at my current job, stuck in a rut
