The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread


Trying to pick up a class or two at sccc, but they’ve been closed all week BECAUSE IRENE


Closed til the 8th now son. Just got the call. Take a class w/ me. Business Admin major = easy classes.

Jesus the 8th? I didn’t listen to the voice mail. That’s jank.

That’s a great plan. Too many people get pushed into college because a degree is seen as a “must have” today. All you would be doing is devaluing the degree I have. Thank you.

<-------Has script in pocket as I type this


you kidding me? wtfo.
hopefully the admin will go back to work before then, i just need to enroll in 1 or 2 classes max.

tried the online thing, there was some error :retardclap

I’m looking at the Alt. Energy Tech degree. Starting off with just a couple classes this semester to get my feet wet. night school, since I work full time with decent pay now

That’s a pretty involved process, I didn’t realize it was so so complicated. I had a few people tell me they could hook me to there but nothing ever came of it. Most of us were just irked to be doing the same shit but paying for it I guess. :lol Jealousy is a bitch. Fuck it! I’m out of NY now anyways.

just saw this on the website…

theyre extending registration tuesday and wednesday next week for slackers like me :lol

just signed up for a class today, “Theoretical Foundations of Reading.”

prolly be another A as I had over 100 average with the same teacher in another graduate class.

then 8 more classes (3 years) until I get my MSEd.

waded through the crowds at sccc and got the 2 classes i wanted.

the one building there got fucked, the parking lot is full of moldy rotted furniture and fixtures.

Prolly Begley. Luckily none of my classes are in there this semester, but it’s where the library is. Problem is that the school itself is on a hill, and Begley has a big basement w/ a garage door where the ground is lowest.

yeah, thats the one they were gutting.

i had to walk through the upstairs to get over to the main building since the parking lot is all blocked off, seemed fine up there other than the smell of mildew.

Buncha bull shit

“Your loan is scheduled for disbursement.”


Fitting, for this thread


1st day of class = robocall from sccc at 5am telling me its closed due to more flooding


Yea, noticed the exits were closed when i drove by.