The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

I had like 2 speeding tickets with dates 2 months from now… Dude told me hed take care of it and pay my fines.

He asked me how many pull ups/push ups I could do… He added like 8 pull ups to what i could actually do and like 50 push ups lol.

He also told me hed split hes recruit money with me.

Last and honestly most import reason i bounced was because I picked a specific job I wanted to do and he told me yeah im all set but instead signed me into an open contract which makes me have to go anywhere they wanna put me, probably infantry.

Staff Sargeant Kuster I believe his name was.

Even if you didn’t they still would have gotten a hold of you, when I got back from boot camp and worked in the recruiters office for a week, they had me calling people, they get lists from schools or something but I had basically a phonebook with all the H.S. students in the area with addresses and numbers.

Although taking the test made it look like you showed interest which is most likely the reason for them constantly bothering you LOL.

And being a minor means nothing, I enlisted when I was 17 (with parental approval).

That constantly happens, I know plenty of people that signed a contract with one job and then after boot camp got put into another because of quotas.

Awesome i should be golden.

i hope the price of gold goes down to $.01

me too, so I can buy a bagillion ounces and wait for the price to go back up and become a billionaire…

btw, who the fuck are u lol

Check this out:

Shocking statistics, if I might add. (Do you guys do sarcasm on here?)

isnt that obvious? lol


Yes, but you are suggesting that spending money on school is a waste and that an 18 year old should invest straight out of high school in a start-up business.

Sounds legit, and way less stressful. Can you help me out with starting up a company like that? Working in an office sucks. Big time.

as others have said, if your going to school for a specific thing and have already planned what you want to do in life go for it… if not and your going to spend all the money people normally spend on college id find it more benefiting to invest in a small business instead…

I would sure hope that the unemployment rate is higher for people who havent even graduate highschool then people who have graduated from college lolol… That doesnt mean there job is good and makes alot of money though…

I think the best thing to do in that case would be to take the necessary core classes and then make a decision after those are completed. That way, you can keep your mind sharp and focused while deciding on a major.

I agree with that. I know plenty of people who have bachelors degrees in good fields like business and engineering, but they are either working less than desirable jobs or are being offered full time jobs for next to nothing. You have to start somewhere though, and that usually is at the bottom.

I have one on thursday. Have you really looked into the position???

There isn’t anything to really look into. I can tell you what you can expect after you get back from Atlanta. You’ll field train, job shadow whatever you want to call it with a conductor for 16 weeks. If you successfully pass that you will mark up on an extra list. Company can call you whenever they want because your on call 24/6 and are expected to show up to work. Put it in your head now that you’ll be working 12 hours a day otherwise I can tell you right now your setting yourself up for disappointment and an unhappy start to your career here.

I really wanted to go for it last year, but couldnt commit to the time.

Exactly what im trying to say if thinks its a 9-5 job forget and and to kiss his social life goodbye the lady i spoke with on the phone that called me from FL on monday to remind me about the interview session told me a new hire will be working nights,weekends and holidays. i cant commit to that kind of time with trying to start having kids. not in the cards ATM

And that’s why it pays so well with good benefits/retirement. Gotta put in time to make the big $$.

Completely understand if i was single and not married and not about tobe starting to have kids i would be all over it.

I’m used to terrible hours and travel.

Work to live, don’t live to work