The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

This +Rep

I have a plan… I won’t be doing that for thirty years, that’s for sure.

Good luck man, i think we have the same plan!!!

Are you trying to become a conductor as well?

I’m still at work because I don’t want to college. :yumadbro:

Who are you asking?


If you’re hiring out now with the railroad and are under 25 years old and don’t think your going to do 30 + years in order to get a full pension your going to disappoint yourself. Unless your sitting on a pot of cash which I’m assuming your not I’m dying to know your plan!

The hours do suck no doubt but besides management, the transportation craft is the highest paid. Try looking into the car dept or diesel shop. The hours are more steady and you can get on a set shift. I recently helped my brother get into the diesel shop and do far he loves it.

I wanna do what we talked about, what your buddies have done.

Ohh. Still expect 30 + years though of working for a railroad though. You won’t be paying into social security anymore either since you’ll be a federally governed employee. IMO though this pension is way better then a SS anyways.

Oh yah I know that you need to work thirty years… Iv tried to do as much research as I possibly can.

Kiss any sort of social life goodbye! Hahaha

Haha yah… So I’ve heard

How did you handle it?

Try to get 6 starts a week and enjoy 2 days off away from that place.

This is true for many places. Unless mommy is blowing the CEO (or daddy IS the CEO) you’re going to have to work your ass off for the next 30 years if you want to have a nice retirement. Sips coffee

i have a job now but i am trying to become a cop, my current job is also 30 and out. It just sucks but the pay is great.
If i did not get this job i was going to apply at csx, looks like a great place to work.

Roth IRA. Start investing. :lol

is that the tax free one, or pre taxed?