the inlet on my laptop is broked. how does i fix?

my computer fell off my bed, and the A/C adapter thing snapped inside, i took it out, and bought a new charger, but now the computer doesnt charge unless u bend the plug upwards

it’s definately the part on the computer that is messed up, not the charger. how do i fix this so i can just not have to touch it and it charges like a normal computer

it’s only a year old and i definately cant afford/wont buy a new laptop


sit down @ your kitchen table, with a mini screwdriver or T6 torx driver and tear the entire thing apart, and solder the joints, epoxy the mount back down and be careful. been there done that a few times…

The part you need to replace is a power jack. They are a 5 dollar part on ebay.

The hard part is replacing it, you need to take the computer apart, and solder in the new jack.

Something like this job…


Disclaimer: I’ve made these instructions only for people experienced with soldering and repairing computers. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this job, please do not open the laptop or you can permanently damage your computer. Take your laptop to a professional repair shop instead.

this lol

oh come on deebo.
thats not that hard of a fix.

i know how to solder, i just don’t want to ruin my year old laptop because i tried attempted a DIY

model number on the laptop?


im like 2 months out of my warranty… fuck. i should have taken it back when it actually happened

meh, just go at it. laptops are not that hard to take apart.
otherwise your going to be looking at a decent price to have a computer repair place to do it.

you can buy the part for the motherboard that broke at the Radio Shack Service Center over by Niagara Falls Blvd and Maple. It’s in the office park behind Best Buy, down the street from Red Lobster (maple rd.) Very important: I took the motherboard out of the laptop, remembering where all of the screws go when I need to put it back together. The part at Radio Shack S.S. cost at MOST $10.

Then, all you’ll need to do is find someone with the solder heat/vacuum and proper soldering iron to put the new one on.

I’ve done it over 10 times in the last 5 years. I did I.T. work for an electircal engineering company so they always helped with the soldering. They don’t just do it for anyone, so you’d have to find another place…