The invention a girl will never buy

I can see everyone who buys this is a guy. Go to the bar, turn it on, and see how 0 girls own one of these…let alone figure it out.

haha actually i think as an app embedded in a cell phone with bluetooth this would be sweet.

Yea. Its a nice idea but I dont see a girl ever buying this.

Cell phone app would be sweet. See whos connected at your bar and then use bluetooth to message them. Could be on to something.

You realize you guys just came up with a totally new idea…

create, market, … Profit ???

shit, i should delete my post. no one is allowed to steal it.

BREW developer license to develop software for Verizon? $400 min.

Already tried it on a web based site that you create profiles and was working on a PALM based one. Kinda died out becuase most chicks done carry PALM based cell phones.

^^ Already sent in to the patent office :slight_smile: haha

you really don’t think women would buy this??? OK, seriously, look at myspace. That’s just tons and tons of girlies trying to get e-pimped and they eat it up. granted, I will say that the age range is typically sub 21 from what I’ve noticed, but still, I think the shit would fly.

Anyone wanna help invest in a BREW liscense and develop this with me? People carry a phone with them everywhere and has become a major accessory so its better to make it for the phone versus a separate device

man… you seem like you are trying way too hard to “hook up”…

no wonder you can’t man. girls hate eager beavers…

all i can picture is hannibal lechter eating a beaver.

is that wierd?

Joe’s onto something. This idea would never work if you had to buy a device specifically for it. Aside from the fact it wouldn’t be cheap I don’t think most people want to carry around more than their cell phone and/or their iPod.

But turning this into an app for a cell phone and using bluetooth would be more effective and also quite a bit cheaper to develop since it’d be all software. Only thing I’m not sure of though, since I don’t have a cell phone w/ bluetooth, don’t you have to verify & allow the two devices first before they can communicate? So maybe that wouldn’t work…

i want royalties

Working on it now. Started locating team members and looking into the BREW API for cellphone development.

This could be sweet. I gotta figure out how to interface with the bluetooth, SMS, and also the GPS in the cell phones.

i am programming the software for this right now…

Girls already have a device for hooking up in bars… it’s called boobs. And it works so well that it attracts both single and taken males.


Working on some ideas and also the backend setup now.

We have a lot of work to do but so far we are working on our proposal to verizon and also securing a BREW development signature.

And i have that phone woo hoo im gonna hook up.

Have you ever tried just walking up to an actual girl (not e-girl) and starting up conversation? The world has failed me.