THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

Im updating it to 3.0 through itunes then i just open the redsnow thing? i’m gonna lose all my stuff on this phone right?

look at all the reviews, alot are negative, i hope this was a good idea

no its nice, yea u will loose all your apps from cydia then just get them again. yea u just need to DL a 3.0 again to your desktop and redsn0w… real easy to do. if u need help just post here ill look back

I updated it to 3.0 but didnt jailbreak it yet, just checking it out how it sits, anyone know when we will get picture messaging, i told my cousin the 3.0 update still doesnt let you, but he didnt believe me until he updated.

3.0 does let you do picture messaging att has to activate it though but there is a work around to get it going but i would suggest you just wait

I heard august for mms for us?

well its not like there is a button for text image, i guess were gonna have to copy and paste it once its available.

Copy and paste is avaliable alrdy. It’s a pretty neat system. Just hurry up an jailbreak lol sbsettings can’t live without em

Dear god 3.1 blows. There is so many bugs that 3.0 never had. This needs some serious fixing before Apple releases it.

once att enables mms for iphone you will see a button, its the little camera

If you are on ATT, you can install the updated carrier settings file and get the MMS and tethering options. Just wont work so not really a point yet.

Going from jailbroken to 3.0 update, i dont know if i even want to jail break it again because it runs alot smoother… im debating jail breaking it again, i had some cool themes and little apps but i dont use them as much as the internet and it seems to be less laggy now.

jailbreaking it and installing apps and such isnt going to lag it. anything that loads as a mobilesubstrate module can build up lag.

How do you download 3.0 to your desktop? I updated my phone already through itunes, and i downloaded redsnow, just dont know where the file is to select it with redsnow, it has to be already on my computer somewhere since it was updated with itunes, i checked program files/itunes also checked apple…cant find.

EDIT my Iphone is a 1g, i think, maybe a 2g its has the silver metal back plate(case) I dont know if that makes a difference for jailbreaking.

go on google and type in Iphone 2g 3.0 firmware download, find a link DL it then your good to go

thanks, im downloading it now.

ok i finished but when i clicked cydia it says, Error Internal Error, Could not perform Immediate configuration (2) on essential

also whats icy?

icy is kinda like a lighter version of cydia

icy is shit. its by ripdev and they are trying to be like cydia. stick with cydia since icy uses cydia repositories

rejailbreak your iphone without selecting ICY. reinstall Ultrasn0w and it will work fine. alot of phones are having errors with ICY installed, if u wait till sunday i can do it for u for free man im in buffalo/WS