The it's hard to admit Thread *nsfw*

Lol even if she really didn’t wash her ass you know you still hit it.
Turbo civic for under 2 G’s that doesn’t sound very reliable but I don’t know anything about civic’s, I just know a turbo power s13 for under 2 grand no thanks.

Meh, Civics are rather cheap… so who knows? lol

That DC2 is hottt… Definetly on my “Cars to own” list.

how does an ass GET so dirty?

when you have no clothes to wipe your hands with.

im sure we all have a few ideas.LOL

Amen to that. :slight_smile: Civics are not all about power. I just love the reliability, and especially the handling.

Like I said, based on his comments, he has to be 17. Kids always want to “be different” and they think it’s all about straight line power.

I’m 19. Irregardless of my age, you’re putting words in my mouth.
First post:

Quote 1:

“I’ve driven one a couple, they feel like “short-bus” go karts. Not quite mazda miata nimble, but definitely light.”

Here I’ve said I’ve driven EG’s. Where did I knock on it for not being to handle? In fact, it’s one of its redeeming talents. I listed it comparable to a slightly gimped go kart. You are aware what a go kart is right and what it implies when it is used in a comparison with a car? You understand agility, quick responding, FUN?

Second quote:

“I also think they’re too common, too generalized. I love normal people turning their heads in their car and asking, “Hey man, what kind of car is that”. Rather than the odd and disapproving looks you get from people when you’re in your buddy’s EG hatch.”

Really? You get disapproving looks in your 240sx? That’s unfortunate. I get nothing but thumbs up from everyone, the majority being middle aged individuals. The EG’s I’ve driven, and have driven in have always resulted in weird looks, laughs and not even second glances. Somehow you’re going to say my observation is wrong? This is not math, there is no definitive answer to this question, it’s my observation.

Likewise, what’s wrong with saying a stock EG is underpowered? It is, it’s not a pleasant experience comparable to other hondas or integras. Clearly a turbo D16 is not stock, don’t you agree? So congrats, stay in a pissy mood and make assumptions about peoples age on the basis on a TOPIC which is asking for opinions.

BAhahahahahaha civics.

WTF is that girl using an adjustable wrench for?

LOL I had the exact same thought.

It’s resting on part of the intake manifold it looks like. hahaha

What wrench?


Yeah there’s motons for the 240, but it’ll cost ya. I went with koni 8611s instead. Just as good.

VTEC-Virtually Torqueless Economy Car
HONDA-Hold On Not Done Accelerating

I kid I kid

way to steal that from the just married thread ^ fail.
and this thread said not safe for work, there is no nudity in this at all.

I would DD this for sure.

Before I got the 240, after my Integra I was headed in this direction:

Original Car Domain Page:

^ I love the head lights on that eg…nice, but I think it would look better with some deep dish gun metal meshies:) white rims are no for me.

LOL Figures she is fixing a VW… freakin shit boxes. (Mexican made North American Versions only).

OH and here in Europe Civics look like this:

I tagged it nsfw, as it could land me in big trouble if a co-work saw that picture on my computer and was offended.

It’s just the times we live in…

That’s not your car is it Martino?