The Mayor is in Chicago


Anybody hear about the mayor’s plan to bring increased revenue into the city through some ad agency. Supposedly this agency has been able to strike deals, between Chicago (I think), and Ford. The deal was that Ford donated some police / city vehicles, in exchange for marketing on the side of the vehicles. Sounds like a great idea that won’t lead to more billboards, but will allow more revenue to come into the city, while possibly cutting some costs.

I agree that there is a larger fan base than the Pirates…I wont even watch a Pirate game, i wish they would move. I would rather see the Pirates go than the Pens, maybe they should just put a roof on PNC Park and throw the Pirates out of the city…walla, new hockey arena.

best idea EVER

Sesame Street Live FTW :smiley:


How about:

Get an NBA franchise, or lure some team here who needs a new arena. New NBA team and Penguins commit to partially financing new arena, along with corporate sponsorship and MINOR public funding. Put a half-dozen restaraunts, from family to trendy, around it.

I dont think basketball would work here… Minor league or whatever its called never worked here… but maybe NBA would be different. Im not a huge NBA fan, i love high school and college ball its so much better. I just want the Pens to stay, I remember when I was little watchin them win the Cups and seein the entires city go nuts, like when the Steelers won the superbowl last year. I just hate to see them go, theres so much history here, the reason why I wouldnt want to see any of our teams leave, no matter how bad they are.

In theory, that’s great. But economically it makes about as much sense as a dog fucking a cat.

  1. There are cities all over the place throwing money at teams to try and get them to move. Why would an NBA team (say, Seattle) move here when they’d have to pay for arena when they could get one elsewhere for free?

  2. This isn’t exactly an exploding market. Pittsburgh is not growing. It would be hard to attract a team here with a declining market.

  3. No basketball team has ever succeeded here. EVER.

well, the harlem globetrotters have, but they come once every 6 or so years

  1. Just a few short years ago Charlotte switched teams, so it’s possible. Pittsburgh is not the only bad market in the US. Besides, taxpayers will always end up footing the bill. You think the public knows about all the perks teams and business get to move to a city ?

  2. They are infact rebuilding Pittsburgh as we speak. It may take a few years but Pittsburgh is on the rebound. We have gambling on the way and after Atlantic city falls victim to global warming this could be the gaming hotspot in the east. The wifi network is just one thing they are doing to attract students to the downtown area. Luke Ravenstahl is exactly what Pittsburgh needs. A young face with new ideas for an city trying to rebuild its image.

  3. Theres that pittsburgher attitude we all know and love. It didn’t work in the past so it wont work now so give up. We won’t know if it will work unless we try it. It can’t be any worse than what we have now. With a larger fan base, of the sport in general, will bring more fans from other cities. We just have to secure other entertainment to add to the draw. Times change and people change. Rap music has crossed over and now even influences country music. BTW Pittsburgh was once know for it’s steel mills. What happened ? Things change.

they come every year


and they never lose.


Worst argument rebuttal ever.

  1. Charlotte did not “switch teams”. Their team left. The only reason that Charlotte even got a team is because the NBA was under heavy pressure to award one of the expansion franchises to a minority owner. There was only one minority applicant. Guess who it was? The guy in Charlotte (who is the owner or CEO of the BET tv channel). Also, Charlotte is an absolutely BOOMING market. Huge growth. Hub of a major airline. Largest base of banking in the country. Charlotte should be a model for Pittsburgh, but Charlotte is absolutely light years ahead of where we are right now.

  2. If the only thing attacting young people to stay in Pittsburgh is 2 free hours of WIFI, gambling, and a young mayor, then we are in a lot more trouble than I think we are. And when Atlantic City falls victim to global warming? What are you, retarded? My 18 month old beagle has made a more intelligent and valid argument than that.

  3. Pittsburgh is not a valid NBA market. Why? Let’s look. We have had an exhibition NBA game here the last two years, can you tell me how many people were in attendance? Well, I know that last year was LeBron James and there were about 6,000 people. Thats aroudn 40% of Mellon Arena’s capacity. Also, economically, like I said, if they are going to move a team to a city or grant an expansion team to a city, it needs to be on the upswing, in good growth, with a good base to support it. All the teams that are being mentioned as possible places for the Penguins to move are/have that (Houston, huge growth. Oklahoma City, huge growth. Portland? Fast growing city, per capita, in the west. Kansas City, large capital investments in infrastructure and banking in the area).

Also, what in the hell does Rap influencing Country have a damn thing to do with this? Also, yes, Pittsburgh was once known for Steel Mills. That is great. What are we world-renowned for now? Nothing. Possibly one day we will be world-renowned for our medical facilities like UPMC, but we aren’t there yet.

Don’t come at me with some half assed, stupid argument, or I will chew you up and spit you out. You’d have a better chance of survivng being thrown into a wood chipper than coming at me with some misrepresented, ignorant, retarded argument like you did above.

Maybe you should check your numbers again. From what I see attendance was over 9000, not 6000 as you stated.

I can post a link if you would like.

Very well, 9,000 it is. I could of sworn it was 6, but 9,000 still makes the argument valid. That is just a tad over 50% capacity for the arena.

I may have seen numbers for this years game as opposed to last years, or confused them with something else.

thread failure.


Take some midol and then tell us what you would do to get pittsburgh out of the shit hole it is in. You obviously know what won’t work. So please tell us what will work.
Change has got to start somewhere. So far it more than murphy did to help.

Don’t come at me with some half assed, stupid argument, or I will chew you up and spit you out. You’d have a better chance of survivng being thrown into a wood chipper than coming at me with some misrepresented, ignorant, retarded argument like you did above.
I doubt it. but first lets hear what you would do.

Also, what in the hell does Rap influencing Country have a damn thing to do with this? Also, yes, Pittsburgh was once known for Steel Mills. That is great. What are we world-renowned for now? Nothing. Possibly one day we will be world-renowned for our medical facilities like UPMC, but we aren’t there yet.

Pittsburgh is known for its robotics and technology. just a side note there