The Mist

Anybody see this yet? I saw it last night with Jack. I thought it was awsome. Very well done, pretty suspenseful. The ending was the BEST!

I saw it, thought it was ok.

Saw the ending coming a mile away…

worth a rent.

so…what exactly is the thing in the mist?

steven hawking


so…what exactly is the thing in the mist?


Michael Jackson


so…what exactly is the thing in the mist?



think half life

seriously, it was basically half life happening to a town, except they got it under control in the end

good movie, worth a rent

easy with the spoilers dude =P


easy with the spoilers dude =P


fixed to warn :stuck_out_tongue:

It wasn’t suspenseful. They revealed what was in the mist, 10 minutes into the movie. :ugh:

I usually watch every major horror/sci-fi/thriller type flick that comes out, while it wasnt awesome I would say it was better than 75% of other newer releases in this genere

cak, cak, cak, cak…

kill me!!!


that movie seemed almost too similar to “the fog”, was it or am i just goin to wait til it hits the internet

I was starting to get really pissed off in the middle of the movie with all that religious bullshit. Holy fuck.


I was starting to get really pissed off in the middle of the movie with all that religious bullshit. Holy fuck.


I got nothing against religion but yeah that was getting lame. Cept when she caught a bullet in the head.

i liked it, except the ending.


i liked it, except the ending.



I loved the ending…got got soooo owned.