The Mojave Experiment


One thing PC users can do that Mac users can’t:

God I love this website: One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't...

Not interesting at all. Its marketing.

How is 10 minutes supposed to represent OS performance? You can trick any group of monkeys in to like something ala the Pizza Hut commercial. It doesn’t mean that anyone worth a shit would share the opinion.

youre welcome

HEY, i fell for that commercial

hence why apple is so popular all of a sudden :smiley: lol

j/k apple humpers

You’re God? I should have bought you a beer last time. We can bring back the sale of indulgences right?

yeah, and to think they cast morgan freeman to play me…

nice marketing move.

lol at the outcome.

I’m with walter, it takes more then a few minutes to rate an entire OS. IMO.