The new rig. Keeping the SS name...

after a stressful 2 weeks of non stop shopping, bank runs, traveling etc. I finally have time to relax.

I had a plan to sell my Camaro, buy a truck (having a cheaper payment then the camaro) and to buy a bass boat outright AND end up putting money into our savings.

This was a hard plan, but I stuck too it, and Priorities FTW. I ended up with all this, for $50 less a month then just owning the camaro. Boat is paid for, ended up with a nice extra amount of cash in the savings and a pretty cheap truck payment.

2008 SIlverado 1500. Crew cab, short box.

Skeeter 140 SS

Much better choice in truck. That black 2wd piece of shit would have been a nightmare on a mossy boat ramp.

congrats on wasting more money on gas now…

truck looks good tho, as long as your happy with the new purchases, then it’s the only thing that matters.

atleast the truck is white

Tracey says to tell you that even she wouldn’t drive that fairy truck. Congrats!!!

truck gets better gas mileage then the camaro. It has the 5.3 in it that shuts down to 4 cylinders. I was getting 21mpg’s towing the boat. Its also a flex fuel. E85 ftw.

so thanks !!!


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

I really, really like the truck man. Congrats.

SWEEEEEEEET RIDES!!! Way to match the boat to the truck! Ready to do some tournaments?

The two happiest times in a boat owner’s life are the day he buys his boat, and the day he sells it.

thanks dude. I loved the camaro but I think this was the best thing I have ever done.

prolly not this year. Thanks bud.

One of the best OEM 20" wheel designs GM put on a truck. Crew cab is excellent for people and putting shit in the back, I miss having the extra full 4 doors.

I get 19.5 mpg with mine, mixed city/highway.

looks good! congrats bud

Fairly strong Jellies, and excellent gas mileage for your 3/4 ton.

I couldnt believe the gas mileage on this thing.

I actually love the interior too. Im pretty damn happy I bought the truck.

Same here with our 2005.

Jim has a 1/2 ton

That’s the somewhat inside joke.

Would you be interested in being the President of the JPJS? (Jellies Post Judging Staff)? Right now it’s just me and Lance.

Not really.

I got 15.8 mpg on my last tank. Even though gas is going down it still costs around $90 to fill up.