after a stressful 2 weeks of non stop shopping, bank runs, traveling etc. I finally have time to relax.
I had a plan to sell my Camaro, buy a truck (having a cheaper payment then the camaro) and to buy a bass boat outright AND end up putting money into our savings.
This was a hard plan, but I stuck too it, and Priorities FTW. I ended up with all this, for $50 less a month then just owning the camaro. Boat is paid for, ended up with a nice extra amount of cash in the savings and a pretty cheap truck payment.
truck gets better gas mileage then the camaro. It has the 5.3 in it that shuts down to 4 cylinders. I was getting 21mpg’s towing the boat. Its also a flex fuel. E85 ftw.
One of the best OEM 20" wheel designs GM put on a truck. Crew cab is excellent for people and putting shit in the back, I miss having the extra full 4 doors.