So at some point in the future will people be able to download this offline and burn it onto a dvd on their own, or will this always be view online only?
this isn’t truly DVD quality. DVD quality would be MASSIVE files. This is the best representation of HD that flash is capable of. To have the files able to be downloaded would be a huge increase on the server load.
although I was surprised how well it looked full screen on the 22" widescreen
there is another CSCS event on the 5th of Oct at Cayuga… you guys going>?
Very cool Josh.
Possibly. I need to film you actually driving your car anyway… lol
Oh, and how random is that seagull shitting as Muscle50 raced that Z06? wtf, lol.
what he said
I’m working on it! Once all of the Volume 2 stuff is up, then '08 vids will start to show up. I just have way too much footage!
I still have to get the Grand Prix Toronto from '07 up!
siiiq. when i have time i will watch them.
Wow Josh, the night shot through Letchworth turned out fantastic (as did the rest of the vids so far!)
- for slower computers / connections, click ‘HD Off’ for better results.
For those who join us at every track day, and those who think they might want to try it out this summer :tup:
I’ve got to run, but I’ll comment more later. Enjoy!
Shut up you held up to your end of the deal and got it up!
watching now
HAHA about time son, watching now as well.
ugh… what a jerk off at 2 minutes
dmoffit’s Z drifting in the rain was awesome.
I can’t wait to get home to watch it with some sound lol
Josh, that was seriously sick man, you did not disappoint.
boardjnky that was me Sorry Dave!
nice job prodigy ftw