The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

When going to a shorter barrel, you’ll almost always have a slower bullet leaving the muzzle. Some say the shorter barrel is more accurate, however.

+1. longer the barrel, the higher the feet per second.

-1 for political bs in this thread. (Not directed @ anyone specific just saying)

this guy has a m203 38mm flare launcher :excited

no one local you will have to send it out. By the time all the works dont its going to be 1/2 the cost of the rifle to put a brake on it. Also expect 2-3 weeks down time to send it out have the work done and get it back

springfield xds is boss. yes xds.

Oh hell yes ^^. Might return the LCP for that…

So how ridiculous is it to get a permit to get a pistol for the house? Dont even wanna go through the hassle of a carry permit honestly but would really like to get something to have around

In NYS, there is only concealed carry permits, although most judges will put a restriction on it for hunting/target. Same process, it’s just all at the judge’s discretion. If you want something for home defense, get a shotgun.

-Cossey on JVG’s name.

Yeah, after looking around it looks like thats my best bet…

remington makes a variant of the 870 specifically for this. I own one for that specific purpose.

I love my 870 tactical

This one?

Yep, that’ll do the trick. Try to find a used one for a couple hundred bucks.

Why wait 6-12 months and spend a bunch of money to get a pistol for home defense, when you can wait 10minutes at a gun shop and pay only the price of the shotgun, while having more stopping power?

Yeah, I looked through the wantad site and didnt see anything, looking through nyfirearms now

Check out as well. Some local gun shops should have some used as well. One of the most common shotguns ever made. Check out a Mossberg 500 as well. Just as reliable and durable, but usually cheaper. Pretty much it’s the Ford vs. Chevy debate but in guns.

I just sold my 870 to oppie. Zacks always has a bunch of new and used 870’s and 500’s

yes thats what I’m talking about. Not to argue with Cossey, but I’m not really impressed with the mossberg 500s. They have had a lot of issues with failure to fire, feed and eject in recent years. I own a 535 that came with a colapsible stock and a couple other nice options for the same price as the remington 870. Personally I would rather have the 870 over any other pump. Just my .02 though

I’m not going to argue about it, as like I’ve said it’s personal preference and I’ve never shot either of the guns to be honest.

wasn’t trying to phrase it like that. Everybody has personal preference. I have a relative on my wifes side that is an active duty marine and said for actual combat use he would prefer the 870, but wanted me to sell him the 535 for a home defense weapon. This after talking about how reliabilty on a 870 is superior to the 535. So if somebody who has seen active duty and has to put his life on the line with a firearms is confident enough in the product to use it to defend his family if need be thats good enough for me. I just prefer the remington myself. I have both because my wife can shoulder and fire the 535 without issue, but the 870 is a little too long for her.

Fwiw both of my 500’s have always fired, no issues.