The official "I hate the Holidays" thread.

Here it is, your place to bitch about all the things you hate about christmas/chanukkah/kwanzaa/festivus/winter-een-mas.

Keep it on the holiday. I dont care that your mommy didnt hug you enough thus spawning therapists cash cow.

I know Im not the only one that finds this whole thing a pain in the ass

Grandma on immigrant workers, “I hear that the Spanish are worse than the colored people.”

“Are there a lot of drugs at UB?”

What do I hate about the holidays? Shirely.

I like the holidays.

Merry Xmas!

nothin wrong with xmas, happy holidays everyone!

I can say I’ve got a few relatives that drive me batty, but who doesn’t? EVERYONE has a couple in their family.

I can’t really bitch about it all now. My dad should’ve died from a freak stroke 3 years ago X-Mas eve. By a bunch of fluke occurances, he hs made a full recovery despite the doctor being certain he would be dead, or at best a veggie. When my father woke up the next day, the doctor just looked at him in disbelief and said, “You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

Something like that really makes you look at Christmas differently.

i dont like christmas.

i think im going to have to choke slam my step grand mother. ugh :bloated:

I can’t remember when I was more fucked up than right now, just got back from christmas at my aunt’s around the corner, and boy did i drink. The shopping, the money, the materialism, and mostly the reflecting on life in general. Fuck it all I’m goin to bed, hopefully I;ll feel decent tommorow

Oh, and just get a little buzzed if relatives are pissing ya off. Don’t get tanked, but a little buzz will work wonders for making the day/evening go by easier.

im treating today like just and other day off of work.Plus try to stay away from family

i heart xmas for the family parties moreso than the presents and commercialism…

Bullshit, you like the food.

Gotta love the holidays, the food, the family, the gifts, and my aunt asking the family “Ever have to run back into the house because your about to shit your pants?!?” God i love Christmas.

tons of hoose.

worst part about christmas? fielding questions about what im doing with my life when all of my cousins are either almost done or done with college and im still sitting in my shitty apt drinking gin/whiskey/whateverisinthefridge and contemplating cutting myself on an almost daily basis.

other than that the holidays are great

lets put in this way, my brother thinks his old talon was the shit because it had 12psi, and he makes up stories about the mods (MBC was THE ONLY MOD)

the bullshit is strong today, because the turbo SHO is in the driveway, and of course it cant be as fast as a stock DSM

his TSI apparently used to eat LS1’s for lunch, and the turbo sho is incapable of keeping up with an LS1 car unless said LS1 driver cant drive for shit (sorry ugososlow, my brother has deamed you a shit driver)

400WHP from the sho is also apparently not possible
so is the 8 grand redline …
because its not a DSM …

quit bitching and moaning man. ur non-conformist crap is gay

merry x-mas

holidays have been a bit rough for me, especially this one… today is not looking much better than yesterday, and the only thing im looking forward to today is getting hoosed with Jam

meh, i just spent christmas eve in the emergency room getting stitches.:frowning: I wish the blood flow coulda waited until after christmas.

sorry to hear.
I had a blast last night. I got fucked up with fam. members. Drank lots of beer, smoke like 10 blunts… awesome time.

i just hate the faviorite game my aunts and uncles like to play with me and my sister.

other then that i normaly gain a good 10 pounds during this time soo i like the food and seeing my uncle and cousin get piss drunk and fight in front of my whole family. twas great.