The Official "Make Failvis' charred STi a Monument to FAIL" Fund



OMFG… good. If I were the lady, I’d sue him…

I choose it to be as such. I’ve never known good guy/good business owner titles to go together at all, so I’ll take this as a compliment :wink:

My agreement lies only with Travis, and because of such it doesn’t mean I won’t charge the bank. That will all depend on what happens when they come and look at the remains and make their decision. What they do there after to get back what I may/may not charge is up to them.

for pocket lint? He doesnt have any assets worth taking and doesnt have wages to garnish.

:thumbup very true he and his momma told me ,his mom first off as we were talkin about his lifes failures i guess ya could say

The “carbeque” is now legally mine to do whatever I please with it…

details please, i need to make episode 2 of the bank vs travis

Nothing muhc to say other than I receive notice that the bank has cut all ties to the chassis and I am free to do as I see fit with it. I own the remains now.

Worth ~$56 ton in whole car scrap.

BURN IT!!!..oh…wait…


We buy, make grill, party.

Mrs. Kramer told me we could put it in their front yard last night.
We are


word, first shift BBQ of the year?

I’m down, as soon as we get confirmation on er, um “grill”. :ninja

I have a trailer to bring it to central park for the Spring fever 09 shift meet.

we could just put wheels on it, it is a car remb?

theres nothing on the front. when i saying nothing. its frame…

EDIT: Heres a quick preview.

dave episode 2 NOW or BAN!

soon hopefully by the weekend.