The Official NYSpeed bowling team/s

yeah, no wonder you were messed up.

So who’s in for tonight??? I’m there.

I will NOT be there tonite. I am broke, and by the looks of it, I might be sleeping at work tonite.

I’m stuck at home (see my thread) If I get out I’ll show up, but they are calling for 6-8" more for me to shovel :smiley:


P.S. Might be snowboarding off the mounds I’ve been shoveling instead.

i can make it.

i assume jrex is in.

hopefully josh can make it, and maybe stairs. that would fill out the team

Im out tonight. I have to buy snow tires and get said tires mounted, and then do an oil change and plugs.

You can’t do that tomorrow? There’s no snow in Cheektowaga.

So we’re really going to need some extras tonight… Looks like just Zero and I so far… Anyone get ahold of Josh or Andrea?

if you have a shitty excuse (jrex) you need to find your replacement for pony up the loot bitch.

Sorry guys, i wish I could make it… but I def cannot come. I need to take care of a bunch of things, on top of the fact that I have no money.

find yourself a replacement

call bottoms please and thank you

seriously, we’re going to need 3 bowlers for tonight. Anyone else want in, give me a call on my cell at 716.587.2951. 6:45 Start

I called stairs and left a message to see if she can sub for me…
edit:shes babysitting until 9pm and said she can’t make it.

we have an issue.

xander is not going to be able to play the last half of the season. he was getting old, so his family decided it was best to put him into a nursing home.

because of this geriatric turn of events we will need another bowler. either that, or both josh and dozer will need to be there every week, and i know josh is busy with work, and dozers a little bitch :wink: so thats not gonna happen.

that sucks…

what is it, $15/week?

are You guys bowling on Turkey Day?

yes, and no

WTF Xander?!

I’ll be there as much as possible.

i’m waiting on confirmation of a scheduling change here. if so I’ll be thurrrrr @ 6:45 on thursdays.

if you want in please be aware that if you dont show up, you will still owe $15. we as a team NEED to pay them $75 every week, even if no one shows up.

shit, i thought You paid for the team, for the season, and every season, for the rest of our liiiiiiiiiiiiiives.

I can’t play this week, as I’m in Orlando. Someone want to sub for me?