The Official NYSpeed bowling team/s

John, can we drop out of the league as a team? I will show up as much as possible, but this finding people every week looks like its going to be a nightmare after awhile.

I never had the understanding that we owed everyweek no matter what.

I am 100% fine with finishing the season as long as we have enough people committed, key word being committed.

nope, when people dont show, i just make jrex pay

i dont think the whole team wants out, only 2 people. thats the problem. 3 of us want to play.

perhaps you guys shouldnt have said yes when you meant no. please check your pants for a vagina :slight_smile:

I have ZERO problem with that.

Seriously, $15/week is okay. It’s not gonna bankrupt me.

Whatever happened to this crucial Info.? 'Cause, to be dead honest, if something mucho importante comes up (like a hot hotT 4’some with 5 asian girls & a dutch goat), I’m not bowling. But, uhh, that’ll be rare.


32 weeks, 8 or 10 of which are done

what happened to all of these people that wanted to play so bad in the beginning? What happened to all of the extra subs you had john?

Like I said, I am fine with coming for the rest of the season, as long as we have enough people COMMITTED.

Again, I say WTF XANDER?

all my extra subs? i have 1 or 2, but they are subs not full time players. dont get shitty with me. im not the one that said i would play the season, and then either shows up once in a while or wants to quit.

just for that, im gonna steal one of the bolts for your gym. :stuck_out_tongue:

sweet, it ends just before my wedding. cya ballwashers Thurs.

but you are the one who said you had a bunch of subs and there were $1 drafts! I’ll get as shitty with you as I want you little bitch!

that was before i found out about being sanctioned (thats weak)

i swear, you make fun of me 13 or 14 more times and im outta here

Don’t get me wrong, I still want to bowl.

I try and fill in when I can but I can’t bowl every week…if Tom doesn’t want to bowl every week he should try and find someone to play for him permanently and just become a sub :slight_smile:

I CAN BOWL!!! I just dont want to find subs for everyone who cant!

I’m with Dozr on this.

We are in now, for what we really were not signing up for. Maybe the whole sanctioning thing did screw it up, but it is getting rediculous.

30 weeks was not mentioned originally (I was thinking like 10-15 or so). Then they are really gay about people subbing. An on top of that they are trying to run this as a business, and not as a Team trying to get by. Between the BS about our “conduct” as we bowl, to the having to buy 50/50 tickets to not allowing other “non-skilled” people to bowl for us without making them pay extra, I’m pretty fed up too. If this was a more relaxed organization, that wasn’t so :hay: about everything I’d think different about this shit.

Basically this isn’t what I would have signed up for, and am not going to get pushed into doing something I dont’ want to. I don’t care where the misunderstanding came from, but as of the first of the year I’ll be on the list of subs.

Ohh yeah and if someone doesn’t bowl, they(or the team) shouldn’t have to pay, if they can’t understand that, Fuck 'em, let them kick us out.


so i get to pay the 100 or so dollars because you guys didnt want to show up?


from the first page. was posted just after someone asked how long it was.

and as for conduct. you dont drive your car thru an auto-x coarse when someone else is on it. its a “sport” and some of these guys take it seriously, and some dont. just like anything else, and you have to show some respect.

I didnt know there was anythign about our conduct going on anymore… Did I miss something? I also didnt know about us being “required” to buy 50/50 tickets, when did this happen? I sure as hell am not buying any. And paying extra for non-skilled people? huuuh? Seriously what did I miss??

Like I said, I will gladly pay the 15 for the week I missed, and I will be there this week, but unless we have 5 COMMITTED people for the rest of the season, I may have to reconsider my place on the team. I do not feel like dealing with BS everyweek.

Yeah, any new subs. have to pay the extra $15 sanctioning fee, and they told us we should each buy at least one 50/50 ticket everytime we bowl.

:word: to not feeling like dealing with this BS every week.

Don’t pay, what are they gonna do, break your legs over bowling fees? At first they said there were allways Subs. and it was no problem, now the story changes.


there hasnt been any “issues” in the last few weeks.
as for the 50/50 they would like use to buy them (its 5 beans for an arms length) its what pays for the prizes and the open bar at the end of the year. i buy them every other week. it seems to keep the bowling gods appeased.

jordan and i bowled with the big dogs last week (the old guys that collect the loot), and they were super cool. they were all about just being there to have fun and get away from their wives.

as far as i know
and i
want to finish the rest of the season
if your hot little ass is in then all we need is one. hopefully nikuk can get in, if not i have a friend thats interested, but has to check his work and hockey scheduel.

what bs? you’re quiting. there is no bs

and if i dont pay, that fucks jordan jrex and i… then we cant go back there next season.