The Official NYSpeed bowling team/s

I will not buy 50/50 tickets, but I will come. I committed, so I will finish. :slight_smile:

I am already ending up $40 in the hole everytime I go, without buying tickets… $160 a month is a good chunk of change as it is.

thats because you drink too much.
and i bet you spend more than that pretending to be a cowboy later in the night. :slight_smile:

nick says he’s in.

I totally understand where you are coming from especially since you put this whole thing together, but this should be fun and not geting treated like I’m in Fucking High School, Fuck that. I like bowling and drinking, but all the other BS like “ohh no, do we have enough people or do we have to pay extra?” and the “careful they might be able to tell that [insert name here] doesn’t normally bowl with us”.

I think we do have some responsiblity to get enough people together each week, but all issues they have with us using whomever to bowl for us is causing them to lose the extra $$$. They can either get the $15 per person and STFU, or lose out on money all together. They gotta take this shit a little less serious. It’s not like we are a competitive team that poses a threat to other team’s ranking.


Infinity is 15 dollars max, $5 to get in, and $2 coors light bottles. I have 3 at the most, so with tips thats $14.

I’m fricking in. I’ll be there this Thursday with $15 & beer money. I’ll continue to be there unless something work- or family-related comes up.

Uhh, :word: sort of. I can understand the lanes-folk bitching about drunken last place teams (disclaimer: the one time I showed up everything seemed cool, so i dunno anything about what happened). But, uhh, extra money for sub’s & mandatory raffle tix is weak-sauce.

If this’ll disband the “NYSpeed” team with no further consequences (IOW: no extra headaches or expenses for John), then w/e.

If there aren’t 5 people on this 600 person forum that are willing to show and bowl for a good time… then why did so many people jump on the bandwagon on page 1?

lol, thats because you’re drunk when you leave bowling… you lush.

Because thats the way this forum and the old forum have always been… alot of talk.

I wont even open the can of worms about how many people here won’t ever attend a real motorsports event even when its handed to them on a silver platter…

eehhhh true. with that, i’m done with this thread for today.

I can’t make it tonight, got some important shit to take care of.


this leaves us down a bowler becasue jrex is out of town (something about gender reassignment)

josh, you free tonight?

I will be there, but I might be there a little late. I have to attend a wake in amherst, and I get out of work (in east aurora) at 5. I will try my hardest to be there on time.

I’ll be there ~6:40 - it’s 10 minutes from work.

Is there any shit I have to signup for - being a new sub? or can I go right to the bar?

you will need to fill out the sanctioning crap. its your name, addy, and b-day

can I use Bob Loblaw for a name?

ZD - wtf is our team name anyways?

team 15

or team fifteen.

I told Jrex I would bowl for him tonight unless Josh wants to…

I can’t bowl this week, I have a Christmas party I have to attend. Anyone want to bowl for me? Stairs?

there goes the pin count. lol

is jrex back this week?

or are we short two?

jrex is back in town, and i should be back from ohio in time.