The Official NYSpeed bowling team/s

Can someone bowl for me tomorrow?

im in as far as i know.

since i have no way to check from work anymore :cries:

im in

has anyone heard from jrex?

Jrex is sick… I doubt he will be going anywhere…

did he catch gay?

He always had it, he just got a flare up. :gay3:

he needs gay-b-gone

i’m such a liar…

got two houses to look at tonight now.

not gonna make it to bowling.

so there’s 2 of us so far that are going to be there.

please start looking for subs

i absolutely would, if i had internet access.

i’m on someone elses pc atm all :snky:

You fags…Yes I am sick, and I have a case of traffic court tonight near dunkirk so I am out regardless…Sorry.
Next week I will be there though.

I will cum. onurface.

stairs, xander, bottoms, or dan any of you kids wanna fill dozrs ass… er i mean fill in

Bottoms is out, Xander is out and Dan is in the Bahamas.

well thats not good

uh oh… looks like we’ll be bowling just the 2 of us again.

in. unless i die. if i do, dont rape the corpse.

innn also, I have to hit my 200’s again.

ill be there… $1 says jrex is still “sick”.

hollar, i want another 186

he needs to find a replacement for his busted ass.
josh you free tonight?