The Official NYSpeed bowling team/s

Broadway Lanes
its on Broadway in between Dick (whats that in your mouth?) and Union.

eh, kinda far from me

mark me down as a sub

<----can’t wait, this should be a blast!!!


2 days kids, get your drinking arm warmed up.

is there anyone that cant make it? we need to know now if we need a sub or not.

I’ll be there!

I’ll be there!


I’ll be there too!!

so for this week i have

X (he must be walking there)

remember kids, its like 15 beans, and you need to pay the 1 time sanctioning fees.
this also goes for subs. i think because the season is so long i will be best to just swap people in and out of the 1 team… that is unless we can get another team of 5 for sure. (i have a couple extra subs so thats not an issue)

i know carnut wants in, jdmr2 (who didnt post in here this week), sureshot, i assume lafengas (havent heard from him either)… so you would just need 1 more for the team.

talk to each other, and see if you guys can pull something together.

Jon Bottoms might be interested, I just emailed him… He works right down the street.

im in for next week, but won’t be able to make it this week b/c of work :gay:

i would definitely be interetsed in showing up every now and then…i could use some practice, and i’m sure i could make some good money off of all of you ballers…cause none of you are bowlers too :wink:

edit: and i’m already abc sanctioned for this year thank you very much

i’ll start the bidding for myself as a teamate at $500…anybody?

i don’t think anyone really cares all that much about the bowling part…

And where are you “winnign” all this money from? I think it’s just a league

Next week Monday = 21 = possibility.

im in if i can be on xanders team, we have drinkin issues to deal with!!

Unless you can drink AKA or Zerodaze under the table, you really have nothing to offer us.



you guys want to meet up there around 6- 6:30 get have a beer, secure good balls (that made me laugh). the guy i work with (his name is scott) will be working the counter… ask him nice, and he will put extra fungus spray in your shoes :slight_smile:

ok, we have an issue. jrex is more broke then i am (thats hard to believe) so he cant make it. so if aka or someone else wants in as part of the main 5 person team let me know asap.

ill play if nobody else can show up, but if anyone wants my spot they are welcome to it.

hrmmm… I have my own balls and shoes… am I going to be too prepared? :slight_smile:

i have no idea where my ball is. i have narrowed it down to somewhere in my apartment.