The Official NYSpeed bowling team/s

did anyone keep the score sheet from last night?
if so, post up the awsome numbers we bowled.

i have to say that i am pretty much unstopable when it comes to this game. i finished 1 set of frames at 66. i can never get under 100 stokes golfing… so i am counting this as a huge victory.

Beers drank by Zer0DazE> the rest of the league :smiley:
Bowling average < the rest of the league :lol:

Anyone see where these 2 could be related?


I dunno, my scores went up as i drank…

i dont think i drank anymore than you did.

i’m just the suckyist bowler on the planet


had fun, will do it again. Thanks to everybody for making me feel so good about my scores.

I am not much of a bowler but i may stop by later to drink $1 pints.

with those two points… I’ll join up if there’s space. I’m the second worst bowler in the world. used to average ~100 sober. ~120 drunk.


im in for sure next week :tup:

please post if you plan on coming. it looks like we will probably end up with an extra player again. kinda sucky because if people would have said something a month ago we could have had 2 teams easy.

oh well. let me know. i assume the same people that were there last week minus xander (the old man has a prostate exam).
i know jrex is in… that mo is under my desk right now

of course I will be there

I will slay you

I’ll be there

I’m in. I can just be a sub or I can join a team, which ever.

Jon B

if josh isnt coming, then you’re in mr bottoms

and shoot me a pm with the names of some installers you slacker :slight_smile:

whos bowling this week?

<----This guy (with 2 thumbs in the air) :smiley:


(Edit) Zerodaze, I’m gonna punch you in the kidney for that old man comment, I’ll show you old man!!! :lol:

I’ll be there… I have to pay that sanctioning fee too

I would own you all. :smiley:

i finally got a chance to go practice a bit last week…and even though i got my ass handed to me by my dad, i still averaged a bit over 200 which i wasn’t complaining about… :wink:

so thats 3 of us
josh and dozer you kids gonna be there, or am i gonna have to choke a bitch?