The "Oil Prices" thread.

You guys should TP the place, that would show him good.

I have no idea but it sucks because that is the most convenient one for me since it’s on my way home and before I pick up Jillian from daycare. Before it was rebuilt he was always a few cents higher than other stations but not enough to be a big deal. When I go home tonight I’ll get the actual prices and submit it for one of those “2 on your side” stories on WGRZ.

Yeah, i drove in thinking nothing of it because I figured that was a diesel price on the bottom. When i saw it i was like :eek: and got the hell out of dodge.

XOM was Fortune 500’s #1 most profitible company last year. $40 billion. :tup:

^Gotta bunch of it @ $68 a while back.

Long haul, baby. :tspry:

over $118 today already. :loopie:

anyone know what price a barrel would have to be at to make price at the pump $5 a gallon?

Boston NY prices

87: $3.72
93: #3.95

It was 3.54 last week Wednesday.FWIW

I see $4.00 for 93 by Wednesday this week.

so glad I average about 50 miles/week with my v8.

Fucking hell light sweet crude’s about to crack a buck twenty… :hang:

^What site gives live crude oil prices?

Well since it’s traded on nymex…

so in other words, we are pretty much going to start taking the fucking metro or NFTA to work if this keeps up, as no one will want to drive or spend that much money at the pump, and just the nfta front the bill for gas. I also feel bad for anyone who has the TDI jettas and other car’s that run on diesel for gas, that are paying 4.34 at least to fill their tanks, no would be a good time to upgrade cars. and or trade them in to save 34 to 40 cents a gallon :stuck_out_tongue:

So at $4.34 vs $3.69 they pay 17.6% more for gas than, say, a Civic.

But at 50 mpg vs 40 mpg they are getting 25% better fuel mileage.

In other words, they are paying 8.68 cents per mile so they had better downgrade so they can pay 9.2 cents per mile! :zong:

HA i figured i was wrong somehow, but i wasn’t sure how the gas mileage on those cars worked, are they turbo’d? or no?
I’m not too sure but figured it would cost them more for nothing, i admit defeat, sorry for my automotive challenged self

nvm, you owned up.

lol yeah, though it wasn’t long ago when diesel was roughly the same price as premium so their mpg superiority is getting smaller…

yep, if I’, wrong i own up to it, no sense in trying to fight it with a bunch of people who know more then me, all i can do is just gain more knowledge from you guys, which is kinda what i want to do. :slight_smile:

yeah i remember that, which is why i thought it would be more expensive than reg cars to fill up, but i did not take into account that diesel for the most part probably gets better gas mileage, i just assumed that the price>mpg but hey! you learn something new everyday.

+1 REP for Lamp taking it like a man.

I’ve been watching diesel for about 5 years since I owned a diesel car, and it always fluctuates. Sometimes it’s way higher, sometimes much lower. This is the biggest difference in price I’ve seen, but then again prices are fucked right now, so…If you keep them long enough and drive a lot you can really get your moneys worth.

I remember my dad bitching about pulling a trailer 1,500 miles a few years ago when diesel was the same price as premium… but we did the math,
his 6.0 gasser would get 7mpg towin the trailer were his duramax got 12.
even though diesel was 30 cents more he was saving money with his duramax