The "Oil Prices" thread.

Some nutjobs shoot a rocket at an empty tanker, and we all take another hit at the pump.

Oi. Seems quite sketchy if you ask me. I understand the concerns of supply interruptions and whatnot, but it was a single incident that had no true negative impacts.

Weeeee! Crude’s taking a shit! Down $2.20 so far to just under $115. :awdrifter:

Now watch it spike to $120 by day’s end. :picard:

87’s down 9 cents over a couple of days ago too. To the low low price of $3.60. :tif:

hahaha when did you ever think you’d say “Wooohoo crude’s down to $115!!”



where are prices at the pump going down? :goteme: i dont see anywhere that went down

I paid $3.69 on Tuesday. Prices all over Tonawanda are now $3.60. Yay.

that one site you linked says its now at 117.20 :frowning:

Should struck while the iron was hot. :noob:

Paid $3.23 yesterday

I love costco<3

Paid 4.03/gallon today on Union for 93… sigh.

I just read a CNN report that said that gas stations are going to start playing porn at the pumps so that you can watch someone else get fucked while you do.

:lol: My buddy just texted me that.

Anyhow, thank goodness oil rebounded today from it’s bargain basement $115/barrel.

It’s $119.18 right now. :slight_smile:

Woot! Oil’s down $3/barrel today! $116.60!


I paid 3.999 Monday in South Wales.(End of Rt 400)

Oil should continue to fall as the dollar keeps creeping up. Last week it didn’t follow the dollar because of the double hit of an attack on a pipeline in Nigeria and the workers strike at BP that shutdown some other major pipeline. The strike will end today and I’m sure repairs are moving along in Nigeria.

I don’t see the upcoming 1/4 point cut by the fed doing much damage to the dollar as long as they imply this should be the last cut. All the investors are expecting the cut and the suggestion by the fed that it will be the last which is why you’re seeing the dollar slowly start to rise again.

The news loves to predict doom because it creates ratings but they did the same thing last summer, predicting 4 and 5 dollar gas. What actually happened was prices fell over the summer.

All IMHO of course since I’m a software engineer not a financial planner. :wink:

Makes sense to me. :shrug:

I saw something about a strike ending in the UK. I figured that had something to do with the big drop so far.

This won’t help though:

ExxonMobil Corp. Monday took the drastic step of declaring force majeure on its energy operations in Nigeria because of an ongoing labor strike, signaling the damaging affect the dispute is having on its operations in the country.
The declaration means ExxonMobil is unable to meet its contractual obligations because of a shut-in by the strike of around 800,000 barrels a day of crude oil output.

“The (Exxon) affiliates will not speculate about the length of the shut-in nor how long it will take to restart production,” an Exxon spokeswoman said.

ExxonMobil also said it was still hoping for a resolution to the strike.

EDIT: Not UK, Scotland.

Oil is too expensive per barrel for them not to end the strike. It will get resolved quickly.

Oil is down below $113/barrel. It’s down like $6 from yesterday.

However, I’m not sure what to make of the news that Iran has stopped conducting oil trading in the USD.


112 and still falling.

Dollar took a little hit yesterday but is climbing back on the news that this should be the last rate cut as predicted.

Did anyone short oil? I was going to but didn’t have any spare cash i wanted to invest.