The "Oil Prices" thread.

damn, i just paid $4.35 for 93 on sunday

only steers, queers, and oil companies come from texas.

funny thing too, because I payed 205 for 93 last year a month before this time in texas and 185 for regular.

Looks like the oil bubble is deflating. knock on wood

It hit mid 130’s last week IIRC and it’s at $122.XX right now. Hopefully we’ll see gas back away from $4/gal within a month or so. :tup:

unless a hurricane comes along.

Hopefully Bush will be gone before he can make another one.


Even if it does the price spike because of a hurricane is pretty short lived. Katrina was one of the worst to hit for gasoline production in a long time but most production was back online shortly after the storm. I remember filling up just before it with the truck and getting past the entire price spike on one tank of gas (which generally lasts me between 2-3 weeks) so I know the spike wasn’t long lived.

How long does everyone think it will take until we actually see the price of gas DROP, since the oil prices are now actually dropping?

I can’t even remember how long it has been since I have seen the price drop

Lets see where crude settles today when the commodities trading closes at 3 or 3:30 (can’t remember when that closes).

If oil continues to slide for the next couple of days gas should follow by the weekend. I’m surprised it didn’t fall about 5 cents after the holiday weekend.


Looks like those few cars I saw on the road while travelling over the holiday really did make a dent on our gas supply. Prices will probably drop some today on that report.

i think the pressure and news about gas prices and the amt of people watching oil prices will hopefull push a drop in gas prices if oil drops significantly

this cow will sure as hell take his oil for that price.

okay… its not a right to drive… and if people dont drive every single business in america will fail because no one will get to work. but thanks for your input :tup:

:picard: or :fail:

either works.


Heaven forbid we change our ways. I would use public transportation to get to work if it didn’t suck here in WNY.

public transportation has enough problems as it is, let alone if everyone in wny used it to get to and from school/work everyday. were gonna have to deal with gas prices no matter what.

ever been to a sabres game and tried to take the subway?

yeah, fuck that, I’de rather drive.

eh my car is horrable on gas…so I don’t drive nearly as much as I used to. Works for me.

ill be gettign like 10-12 a gallom lol but hey speed has its price, gota pay to play

too bad you can’t afford to play the game