The "Oil Prices" thread.

I typed it out as Fucking Ridiculous, but was trying to be nice.

So anything happens in another country, be it flood, famine, etc, we pull out our wallet. Anything happens here, who the hell comes to our aid?

Hillary, FUCK NO.

I’m just stating that in the past few months, shit is getting very expensive. Cost of living is getting out of hand. Some bad financial shit is happening here. Gas is a necessity. Sure you can say cut back on driving, etc. You know what, I like taking mini trips, I am going to drive my Camaro for the hell of it, I like going to car shows out of the area. But why the fuck do we have to pay the ever so increased amount of money we do for oil? After Katrina happened, the oil companies got a nice “taste” of how they can fuck with us. Now if someone drops a shit into an oil vat, cost of a barrell goes up $3.00.

And us being this superpower we are, we can’t fix this issue?

I feel that some wars were worth fighting. And having some involvement in Iraq, ect is necessary. But to the tun of $12 fucking billion a month?

$144 Billion in 1 year can do a TON of good here in the US.
But like I said, I’ll plan a visit to the Iraq Hilton in 2012. :rant:

(extra swearing added for J_Espo)

Flour has tripled in the last few weeks. I work at Imperial at night and they are raising the prices today an extra dollar a pizza so its now $16.50 for a large CP. The crazy thing is people buy it all day long, that place is retarded busy.

:tup: :lol: thanks!

Funny since my friend is over there and said he found 3 road side bombs in the past week :bloated: He has been there since Aug. and said he hasn’t been it get any better.

So 5 more years as a timeline is an understatement? Lovely.

Where is he at? What is his job? Im not saying he is lying but i have been here 13 months and have seen drastic changes in the Baghdad area. I know the guys up north are still having alot of issues but its as a whole has gotten much better over here. Also remember lots of guys like to hype up their stories they tell friends and family. Im not sure why but i see it all the time. Besides most guys here arent just oging to straight tell you about how shamtastic it really is they want you to think they are over here being all Billy Badass and shit.

I agree that we need to lay out a plan stick to it and GTFO. We should be able to leave in TWO years IMO but that is only if they start shifting focus toward them operationg without us which sadly i dont think they are really trying to do. I would MUCH rather see this money being spent in america. I simply think we came here, we created the problem and should fix it.

A period of ecomonic slowdown and inventory builds must be shown before a drop in crude comes about. Beside we havent even hit a resitance level yet. Go USO!!! BTW look at going long on VND/USD. Good frontier market to look into. Straight up currency play.


Yeah dough has tripled in the last 3 mos.And fryer oil shot up crazy a few weeks ago as well.
I keep reading online that they are purposely killing the dollar as they want to revalue it and eventually have one dollar for US,Canada, and Mexico:ohnoes:.
Called the amero and part of the North American Union(NAU).It might sound crazy but do a little reading and it is VERY similar in some ways to the Euro and pre Euro europe.
Like I said I read it and am not predicting it,but do find it kind of interesting.

Well he was in Baghdad but he said he was moved out of Baghdad. He really didn’t have to many complaints about being there but he was moved to a FOB (or I think thats whats what he called it). Since he has been there he said he had to deal with a lot more shit and has even been shot at. We have been best friends since the 8th grade and he hasn’t told anyone else this stuff so I don’t think his fucking around with me but who knows.

Oil prices soared past $109 a barrel after rising to a record in the previous session as the U.S. dollar weakened further.

c’mon $150 a barrel :jam:

You ain’t seen nothing yet…

^^i hope you are right. i want it to go to $5.00 a gallon and have the entire economy collapse and then we can start over fresh. im investing in gold many of you might want to do the same.

Economy collapse?

You think that would be a good thing?

sure why not :gotme:. everything else is so fucked up right now. maybe that would be a wwake up call to the people in this country


You realize in Argentina when that happened they froze everyones bank accounts?

I don’t know how you see that as a good thing…along with all the other issues that would cause.

Jespo - So, you’re waiting on Jesus to show up with that rapture?

It sure as hell wouldnt be you can make reform and fix things without wanting a collapse. Thats like saying i hope i get in a horrific car wreck so i can get plastic surgery.


thaaaaaaaaankyou Mr. Bush

time to sell my 93 octane drinking cars =(

and get a bike…no no…i mean pedal bike not motorcycle

87 is 3.30 across the street here. 93 is 3.47.

Is $2.04 PER TANK really going to break you?