The "Oil Prices" thread.

delta in west seneca is still pretty cheep … it was 3.26 yesterday… in springville its 3.34

I like how you put that

im just trying to ruffle some feathers. calm down.

:mamoru: Just wait till WWIII breaks out…

…In South America! Columbia: the powder keg of South America? :jawdrop:

That’s definitely got me watching. Here’s the cliffs of what happened for those just tuning in:

-“FARC” rebels are anti-Columbian-government
-There were FARC rebels in Ecuador, which borders Columbia
-On March 1st Columbia went into Ecuador, uninvited, and killed a bunch of FARC rebels
-Ecuador said “Hey WTF? GTFO!” and dispatched troops to their Columbian border
-Venezuela’s leader (Chavez) is an ally of Ecuador’s leader (Correa) so he dispatched troops to his Columbian border
-Oh, and while Columbia was in Ecuador they grabbed a FARC laptop that had proof that Chavez is funding FARC rebels :ohnoes:
-The US and Columbia are allies, so Chavez made sure to throw in his standard “Fuck America”

Columbia has since admitted fault so things have calmed down. But the area was tense to begin with and now Columbia has proof that Venezuela/Chavez is funding FARC rebels.

Wouldn’t that be fun to have WWIII break out in our own backyard and go defend Columbia when we’re already spread so thin? Oh, by the way, Venezuela is the 4th largest exporter of oil in the world and one of the original members of OPEC. And they wouldn’t be on our side of the war.


your right there fry guy.

Oh hai guise my name is Fry!!! I have been talking to Bing and he has informed me of how everything really works in the world. Together we are starting a club for people who will accept the TRUTH!!! :smiley:

Whatever dude. Some day you’ll be begging me to make you a foil hat…

And why not start considering driving less, walking places sometimes, riding a bike. I mean come on people drive to the corner store on nice summer days.

We know man.


i want a foil hat and then we can talk about how 9/11 was set up…ok ok i wont go there

i still wants me a foil hat

Prices can keep rising just means…1 less $50+ bar tab a week.

no you will just buy more and stay home

As bad as it is, there will eventually be a war over oil.

Yeah well South America is still interesting. A war fought with poison frog blow darts would be entertaining as hell.

HAHAHHA instead of car bombs and suicide bombers…we get blow darts and grass skirt ememies

Yes Fry, SAmerica definately needs some attention. There, you happy?

Not unless you’ve got a sandwich for me. I’m hungry.

Can I get a keg of colombian powder? Delivery, please.

I have a breaded pork chop, chicken brest, fries, and a chicken caesar salad if you want some. Just swing by and ill hook you up bro.

if it takes me 15-20min to get to work at 70mph…it will take a long time for me to walk there

And i bet that is the only time you drive you car, right? You are not going to convince anyone that you ONLY drive when necessary.