The "Oil Prices" thread.

Where do you live and why don’t you move? If I remember right you’re just renting so moving isn’t a real big deal.

same here, im about 2.5 roundtrip at best

I drive for recreation more than ever now…

I’m anywhere from 114 -150 depending on if i drop my kids off and if i take my wife to work or not… we both car poll she works 5 miles from my work

E’ville/Little Valley to Williamsville everyday FTMFW oh and about 2.5-3 hours a day driving … keep telling myself that the deal on the house was that good


yeah, in Derby, just having problems finding a decent place for a decent price. I’m all about moving back to amherst. The 5 min drive to work ruled.

I’m anywhere from 114 -150 depending on if i drop my kids off and if i take my wife to work or not… we both car poll she works 5 miles from my work

E’ville/Little Valley to Williamsville everyday FTMFW oh and about 2.5-3 hours a day driving … keep telling myself that the deal on the house was that good


holy shit, remind me to never bitch about gas again. That’s nuts man.

i would love to see somebody chart this with another chart of the average HP of cars on the same grid…

This happened in the 70’s as well…

Average HP went up into the high 2’s with several cars hitting 4-500 HP… and there was a big oil crisis etc… then everybody bought shit econo boxes…

Now the average HP is back up and there are mega muscle cars coming back out… and WAM gas is back at the equivilent 4-5 dollars a gallon… and everybody is buying econo boxes…

but civic gets ~40/45 mpg and rember this is both getting to work a day… i only do like $70 a week witch is not that bad… i did more when i lived up in west seneca b/c i did more driving and meets and such

Fight the trend. Manufacturers will build what is selling. Keep us out of another 80’s and buy performance cars. Otherwise the next generation of cars coming out, that are already engineered, will be the last ones to give a shit about performance for awhile.

Even when you factor in all the money you’re spending in gas? You’re at $300+ just getting to work. Then you factor other trips you take “into town” and you’re probably over 400 or more. Add $300 to what you’re paying now for rent to move to Amherst and you’re probably breaking even money wise and gaining a whole bunch of free time not sitting in traffic.

One of the few good things aboot high prices…
I feel soooo bad for people importing CRAP from China.
A 40’ container used to cost $3,000 to ship from China to The USA.
It now costs $8,000.

How much are you willing to pay for your WalMart garbage with your weak dollar?

hahaha your posts make me giggle.

I was doing 172 miles a day right before I moved… it def sucked. 32 bucks in gas each day roughly.

well said.

there are benefits to this whole situation. Hopefully americans get their heads out of their asses and don’t screw it up.

There is a small part of me that hopes the price of oil stays. It seems like if it stays at 130ish the global economy won’t collapse, but it should be enough to spur development of other energy resources before we run out of oil and/or cook ourselves via global warming.

But the bigger part of me :cocktease: thinks “fuck it my grand kids can deal with it. Give me cheap gas and big cars.”

Dow Chemical just announced that they will raise prices by 25% ACROSS THE BOARD.

They supply EVERYONE.

This shit will get a good deal worse because now prices on all other goods will increase. … including food… all of which is transported using gasoline.

well, I do agree with you but most of the 1 or 2 bedroom places with a garage are either outrageous in price (1000+ m/o) or they’ve been really small/or shitty.

I’d love to find a condo or something in the 700 range

dude you can BUY a condo in Amherst for 80-100K

there you go.

well, not looking to buy at the moment, honestly. I’m actually looking into switching careers eventually (as soon as some place will give me a break and get my foot in the door) so I’d rather rent until that happens.

fuck “buying” an apartment… i would never buy a place i couldnt own a pet, or have to deal with some sort of HOA BS or noise from shared walls

Dear God…