The "Oil Prices" thread.

Oil $127.45 +$3.37

Crude prices gain nearly $4 a barrel after Labor Department report shows a smaller-than-expected decline on U.S. jobs in July.

Yeah, going up $3+ on something that hasn’t affected supply or demand makes perfect sense.

So glad we had to back burner the speculation bill debate to make time for a slavery apologization from Congress.

^ That gave me an idea.
Why don’t Exxon/Mobil &Walmart just merge and we can all be their slaves?
(Maybe microsoft too.)

I love socialism


hahahahah omg hahahahah I totally forgot

you’re so crazy i love it


Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz’s comments on Iran nearing a breakthrough in its nuclear program “re-energized concerns that Israel or the U.S. may attack Iran’s nuclear facilities,” said James Williams, an economist at WTRG Economics. “This news is like waving a red flag in from of the crude-oil bulls totally overwhelmed the bearish economic news of anther drop in non-farm payroll jobs and the highest unemployment rate in 4 years.”

oh here we go again :cjerk:

After being up over $4 it’s now up only .92.

Will it end up negative before the close?

tropical storm/ poss hurricane in the Gulf and this is what happens today:

Oil $120.50 -$4.60


^ That’s storm won’t have enough time to get strong enough to cause major damage, at least to the relatively sturdy oil production facilities. If you live in a trailer it’s a different story. :slight_smile:

I’m just hoping we make it through the entire hurricane season without seeing a cat 3, 4 or 5 in the Gulf.

Concerns about tropical storm and its hurricane potential, as well as blast at Valero facility and Iran concerns, overlooked by traders.

OT: Everytime I see JEspo as the last post in this thread, all I can think of is:


Will it close below $120 finally today?

Looks like it could be close…

i bet it doesn’t. :frowning:

closed at $121.41

4.11 at the rez for 93 :slight_smile: I’m happy!

Dont people say that rez gas is bad or something? Not sure tho. I wonder how much they get gas for?