The "Oil Prices" thread.

maybe for you. when i looked…it was nowhere near… it was about 2/3 of ny.
closer to richmond area though. closer to dc is a different story. but COL goes up there as well.

I’m going to have to say negative, maybe some professional fields, but IT NoVA/DC is IT.

ok, but NoVA/DC is a different world from say, Richmond. In the beltway, aren’t you paying a lot more for COL?

I am nowhere near Richmond, I am right next to the beltway. COL is not bad. Richmond is the same if anything, maybe a little less.


.99 a gallon in a few months?

i paid 1.43 a gallon in ohio the other day

Yep and im buying it left and right. Ask me in a few years how my oil is doing LOL.

damn :tup: very nice

I actually filled up last night. Pre-paid with 40.00, pump stopped at 32.00 lol

it’s so wierd not paying close to 100 on a fillup anymore


yeah well according to we are the only state in the continental US that is still averaging over $2.00/gallon.

Once we see 25-30 you bet your ass we will see 1/gal again :slight_smile:

Just bought more oil this morning. I’ll fill my tank off the profits from next summer on.

Gas at a few spots around here is down to $1.93.

$1.55 in N. Kingsville, Ohio :mamoru:

Saw regular here for 1.64 on Tuesday :tup:

I drove past $1.63 reg, 1.83 premium this morning.

I paid 1.51 in ohio last weekend

Road Trip time. Maybe I should buy a car out of town.


Did you guys read this article back in June?
Unfortunately you have to wait for the ads but it is worth the wait.

does NY participate in the ‘Gas Bank’ I’ve heard of? You can purchase massive amounts of gas at market cost, stock up, then access your ‘account’ for years after (well till you exhaust the account)