The old car scene [split]


so what does SWAT stand for?

That’s privileged information. I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you…:ninja

But everyone knows its Special Weapons and Tactics…lol

i’m tired of this whole “living” thing anyways.

i dont blame u

I used to hangout at dunkin donuts in scotia in 2000 when all the old school muscle car guys came out every weekend. The next few years were really cool but i’d generally agree with most that 05 on up faded off hard. Scotia DD, Hoffmans, kmart/burger king lot, hannaford way up central, target, wendys, kohls the list goes on. Good times, I have some pics on my old laptop i’ll dig up.

We should definitely bring SWAT back. HIN Boston was always a great time.

Old days ITT. Wish I was old enough to drive when shit was real. Make it a good year fgts.

i assumed it was something automotive related.

I’m just f’ing with you. It stands for Sick, Wild, and Twisted. Now you must die… lol

or Stock Wheels And Turbos…LOL we used to have with our club name.

Either way it was a mess lol.
The Tops In Bottoms girls walking around made it better.

I was just thinking today that I’ve been driving legally for almost as long as Special Kid has been alive. FUCK WE’RE ALL OLD, WHAT HAPPENED?

Your avatar matches what you just said SO WELL.


Just kidding. Plussed.

But really.

JK again, tried to neg and must spread rep. :skid

Good, ate a few trannies and I put about 100 miles on it last year, mostly a 1/4 mile at a time haha. She needs the new motor to go into the 11s, but I end up spending money on other toys and now a house and garage… haha.

U ate some trannys ??? Wow dude lol .

hahaha yea I do that on the weekends.

U should of just bought my old tranny conv package !!! Bulletproof setup it is

I went with bad builders and learned. I finally have a good piece in it now, so on to the motor…eventually! haha

At the car show I go to every year in Worcester, MA they shut down most of downtown for the car show for a whole weekend (3-4 days) and have burnouts, bike stunts and other shit in the tunnel right in the middle of downtown. They fence off most of that part of the city.

Shit, I’ve only been driving just shy of 11 years, I’m not as old as some of you fucks!

Sidenote on the tops and bottoms girls, years ago at my best friends bachelor party we hired them to do the party. The owner came out that night as he had a few girls trying out (that he threw In for free, paid for 3 girls, got 4, was epic) and we ended up shooting the shit about cars a good bit.

I think rizzos old lancer is still kicking around saw it maybe two years ago but it’s got gay camo interior now btw saw rizzos and his woman at nemith Volvo a few weeks ago