The OMFG it's snowing thead!

where do you live on water?

do you like jack johnson?


OMFG I couldn’t drive home last night because I couldn’t see the freakin’ road. It was WHITE AS HELL.

Why you gotta be so racist?

We got a foot in boston and hamburg… I drove my car for a good 3 hours last night…drifting thru neighborhoods and thigns liek that. SOOOO Much fun!

I know, sorry. I try not to be. It’s just, that friggin’ snow was so god damn white I woulda drivin’ home without my headlights on if it was legal and safe.

Just drove down to the boston area for the hell of it. The few snowy unplowed roads were quite fun to break in the new tires with. :slight_smile:

Might just do it again if it snow some more.

we got around a foot in ea/holland


Deal with it.