the only book u need for working out

exercise, diet, methods, muscle groups, body, anatomy, routines etc etc

Who is your Daddy? And what does he do ?

800 pages long

i dont read from beginning to end, u just skip around when u decide u wanna learn something, read a few pages

some of the stuff focuses on body building COMPETITIONS, so i don’t bother with that, like how to POSE etc

everything else is 100% useful

you have this book?

yea i effing love it

oh, SOUNDS like a GOOD purchase.

do you own JUST this book?

i also am reading the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, by Bruce Lee, its his drawings and journals before he died, its amazing stuff, has pictures of guys and then kill spots on their bodies, primary targets etc etc, great words of wisdom as well

I have this lying around somewhere, its a good read for people that are just interested in getting in shape

a bit more than just “getting in shape” spence!

yeah lots of info, i didnt buy it though because i wanted to be a bodybuilder. Just wanted to know some basics about lifting.

true true

:tup: amazing book… he truly was out of this world with his training routines

bruce lee > * in SO MANY WAYS

i plan on inventing my own martial art so to speak, just using only moves that are perfect for my style and body movement, so i guess, id never teach anyone, cuz it would only truly work for me…id love to become more and more efficient at absolutely every strike and defense, as well as ground work

be shapeless, formless, like WATER

Great book, have had this book since like 2004 and it has so much good stuff in it.