The Oracle Thread

Thought it would be nice to discuss some real world issues. For those who watch the news and follow the economy, trends, business/political news, I want your input, criticism, opinion, rant, vent, on where the world is heading in the next decade, or whatever the hell you want. (as long as it pertains to something with substance, I don’t need to know the specific formula of shaving your balls to reduce razor burn)

Every week or whenever I feel like it, I figure I can post something here as a topic that you guys might find interesting, or vice versa, and just share information.

I’ll start:

Debate on alternative fuels
I for one have quite a very pessimistic view of the world, largely due to the war in iraq, gas prices, food shortages, the next rising super power (china, india etc…) the move towards alternative fuels for cars is probably going to get a huge boost soon, and our beloved hobby may dwindle down to only those who can afford the huge cost of maintaining our gas dependent silvia’s.

I have many other views…but lets see what you guys can come up with.

I’m curious as to what you guys think is going to happen in the next couple of years.

lots of 3rd world famine, death and war.

I passed a hydrogen car yesterday.

can you also list the reasons why you think this?

it will be a vicious cycle of decadence…

gas prices will spike, so will everything else. and we will see another depression… its on its way…

the cost of natural resorces is being swayed by the fact that we need fuel to ship and produce it all…

the cycle…

1.a. Gas goes up
cost to ship goes up
1.b. price is raised to reflect these costs
since people cant afford to live, the min wage goes up with a 10% a year cost of living raise.
they need to raise the price to offset employee costs…
(every store owner sets a price margin I.E. 30% profit after sale… so he needs to raise the price whenever his MIN monthly costs goes up.)
do u guys think its coincidence anytime min wage goes up so does the price of Timmy’s coffee…

repeat cycle… if gas prices go up 1.a starts it all… if gas prices sway back… start at 1.b
no matter what the cycle will never end…

and im not affraid of hydrogen cars taking away our need for Gas… too many tractors and big rigs and such that run on desil and gas to see the change with in years… maybe 30yrs down the road… but not now…

are you actually curious
or is this homework?

i’m actually curious…
homework was done years ago…

i’ve watched the zeitgesit movie…i don’t agree with most of it…although it is very thought provoking

although I do believe that international bankers own the world.

the reason why I ask is that at some point, all of these threads about ball hair, or the never ending debate about sr vs kat vs f22 is all great and entertaining…but sometimes a little tiresome…

I know all of you have an intellect, and some of you actually have some pretty thought provoking arguments.

Think of this as an intellectual outlet, free to rant of what’s wrong with this world, society, culture. Anything. Just make it clean, support your argument and offer (if available) clear and concise evidence.

Btw, I firmly believe that the mortgage crisis in the U.S was engineered by the bank (larger banks like Bank of America) in order to increase their operations into the junk bond market.

Here’s a cartoon on it:

thats my point. fucking bullshit.

Well my opinion about the price of gas going up and alternative fuels is that once there are a lot more electric/water/hydrogen/other cars, there’s a chance that the price of gas might go down since there won’t be as high of a demand for gasoline anymore.

But that’s just me being hopeful, it probably won’t happen for maybe 10 years.

I for one bury my head in the sand and believe that nothing drastic will happen anytime soon. Gas may reach the point where I can no longer daily a sportscar, but that will never stop me from owning one. I’ll just get a mid 90’s civic, and save the G or whatever I have by then for weekends.

Rant on racial profiling influenced by the increase in competition of oil prices

“If there is a profile of a cyber hacker, these three are straight from central casting – young and thin, with skin pale from spending too many long nights in front of a computer.”

  • Taken from a CNN news article

On it’s own it doesn’t make a lot of sense, if you read the article @

you’ll see that they are actually describing a profile of the ‘chinese’ hacker.
Don’t know about you, but I’d call that racial profiling.

I’m not surprised actually, given the economic situation in the world. We already see super power countries, trying to negotiate with the OPEC countries to try to negotiate some sort of peaceful solution for the proper distribution of crude oil. (Sarcasm on the peaceful solution part)

With the U.S. obviously trying to get their hands on the oil fields, they now have to fight different wars on different fronts, first is obviously the Iraq war and trying to control the oil supply to feed their oil dependent country. Another is fighting to compete for business as other contenders such as India and China who have major spikes in their infrastructure and economic development. So when demand rises, what do you do? Take China for example, think it’s a coincidence when all of a sudden people are claiming that there is too much lead in kids toys? What about the food imported from china? How their food isn’t really food, but some sort of concoction of chemicals. Now we have articles like that above, that blatantly portray the chinese in a negative social context. That they’re all hackers, that spend too much time in front of a computer, attacking the heart and pride of America, the pentagon.

Any comments? or am I alone in this?

I don’t know if you guys remember the Argentina crisis where the econonmy pretty much collapsed over night, and was forced to use the american currency through a process called dollarization. shrugs maybe just me, but is history repeating itself?

most interesting is that there is no law saying that you have to pay Income tax, but yet they take it automatically like 200 off of each paycheck for me, but its a fraud?

damn its like all these laws were made by Madmen and there literally made to shaft you.

i know about that…

wesley snipes is going to jail for that exact reason…

he believed in that, and told all of his employee’s not to pay taxes either…now he’s going to be serving 3 years… pwned

only way around that rule is if you’re native american

I woke up this morning hoping that there would be a thread exactly like this posted on SON today. I knew there had to be intelligent people in the community. I think that China has been sitting quiet for years, just building on their technology and resources. There will be a HUGE change in the world in the next 30 years. If the American recession continues, China is a MAJOR contender for the most powerful country in the world. Which may not be desired by most people, due to them being a communist country. The talks of switching to alternate forms of fuel (ie. ethanol) have already been tainted by a “grain shortage” in the world, so in ~10 years when ethanol is the mainstream fuel, they have laid the groundwork for high prices because “there has been a grain shortage for 10 years now”. I wouldn’t underestimate the power of ethanol, because it will combust with x10 the potency of gasoline. So there wouldn’t really be a huge worry for car enthusiasts, there will be power in the future. Anyways, keep the posts coming guys, probably the best thread in a LONG time on this board.

will edit this post for grammer/content later, gotta run right now.

no shit a grain shortage… noooo… your kidding me…

i mean cmon an ethonal plant only needs 7 with 30 upto 100 containers on each one of corn A DAY!!!

an ethonol plant uses 10 times more grains and such then we eat in 5 years…
i dont see the logic… we may have a shit load of farm land… but we also have a shitload of bad crop every year and mouths to feed all over the world

world war 3… will put an end to this…

supporting evidence for the development and commercialization of agricultural production

I have heard bits and pieces of that…but that’s a very interesting theory

Not sure if you know this, but governmental lobbyists do understand that the traditional method of cultivating grain is outdated and inefficient. There have been some pilot programs now to install agricultural highrise buildings in downtown cores that simulates a large greenhouse. Basically a multi-floored greenhouse for the purpose of food/alternative fuel production. It also saves on logistics seeing that’s it’s located within the hearts of the downtown core already.

Is that true? If so, that’s fucking amazing and genius!

check it out

Debate on the legalization of marjiuana and it’s implication on ‘freedom rights’

I’m curious as to who on this board particapted in this past weekend’s “Weed March”?

I have heard many arguments on this weed/marjiuana debate, most of them are obviously medically related. I want to know from those of you who smoke or don’t smoke, what is your opinion on this? Should we legalize smoking weed? If so, why? If not, why not? I seem to remember reading arguments that the act of smoking weed itself is less harmful than cigs, and also not as damaging to your system as alcohol.

If this is true, if the act of smoking weed is harmful, what about other forms of ingestion? Hash Brownies? Using the THC in an oil format for cooking foods. What about just chewing the marijuana leaf in your mouth?

you guys suck