the proper way to merge on the thruway...*RANT*

everyone makes up their own rules, even if they dont realize it … its just that some of us have the balls to come out and actualy admit that we have thought it out and have to our own decisions on the subject

The real problem is everybody driving thinks the same thing: Everyone is a fucking idiot besides them.

To the pussies that want to “slow down the hooligans” by driving 55 in the left lane, that is impeding traffic. my mom got pulled over for that. The cop said on a 3 lane highway, if the posted limit is 55, it’s 55 for the right lane, 60 for the middle, and 65 for the left. I don’t know how true that is, but I try to stick to that, and if I get caught behind anyone on the 990-290 interchange going less than 45, I blow by them and salute.