Welcome, and good luck on your search. I spent almost half a year sorting through rusty/abused shitboxes to find mine and it wasn’t easy getting it when I found it. I actually bought a 2+2 on ebay in New York right before I bought this one. Went down to see it and everything, but then I saw mine and just fell in love.
This one has been on sale on trader for a LONG time. Not sure what’s wrong with this, but my ex-gfs friend was looking to buy a car like mine a couple months ago. Then she realized the practicality involved and decided to go another route.
Z31s are sexy
THIS ONE IS A SHIRO EDITION!! If you’re interested, look it up the net and you’ll be amazed by it’s specs.
Extremely low import numbers. Have to watch out for replicas though.
Easiest thing to tell it apart. Jack up the rear end and spin the rear wheels. If the other wheel spins the opposite direction of the one you’re turning (Open diff) it’s not a real Shiro and either walk away or bargain the price down.
All other Z31s from factory were open diff and only the Shiros were VLSD