The REAL Amsterdam

i FINALLY got a hold of the pictures that were taken with my friend jeff’s camera by him and myself. most of the nug pictures are taken by me. and anything with him in it.

this is just a teaser of what is to come.
^^^and what Hawaiian mushrooms did to my best friend steve.^^^

-more pics. after work tom. night.

i get to work from 730am-11pm tomorrow. yay!

ill do 20 more now. haha
^^^THIS IS THE FIRST SMOKE OF THE TRIP> lol look how attentive my friend steve is. hilarious
mmmm so dankkkkk
lol. i just noticed the sign above me. thats some funny stuff
and well end on that tonight. more pics like this^^tom. night

Looks like fun…

wow…sounds awesome.


wow…sounds awesome.


I got 4 tickets for thursday at 4:30 am, your going.

You owe me $324


I got 4 tickets for thursday at 4:30 am, your going.

You owe me $324


lol ill go back. some of the coffeshops we hiring:pimp:

I guess I don’t see the point… But then again I’ve never smoked before…

why the fuck would someone buy aspartame?

eh not my kind of fun





<3 chris… h8 stoners… :frowning:

This pic almost looks like your eyeball fell out or somthing



I guess I don’t see the point… But then again I’ve never smoked before…



[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:8,topic:39943"”]

eh not my kind of fun






we all do lame shit i guess…


This pic almost looks like your eyeball fell out or somthing




man its really sad the conception people have of people who use marijuana.
yes some asshats make it look bad for the rest of us, but consider alcoholism/drinking.

hmm ask yourself what has caused more deaths, is PROVEN to kill you faster and makes you dumber the more frequently you use it.
–alcohol. omg! thats crazy i thought he was gonna say pot?

people say they hate stoners or people who smoke are lazy, slobs and dont give two shits about anything.

when in all reality there are millions of people throughout the world like me and my two friends(1 is the most honest/trustworthy/hardworking{he built houses with the amish for the less fortunate the past two summers and they wrote a letter to his family telling them how impressed and proud they are to work with him} and the other competes on a division1 hockey team) who consider alcohol to be a FAR MORE INHERENT DANGER THAN POT. but which is legal?

im not saying either is right or wrong i just think this country’s conception of it sucks major balls and the government’s is utterly worthless.



I guess I don’t see the point… But then again I’ve never smoked before…


I have, its way overated and not worth the time or money.


man its really sad the conception people have of people who use marijuana.
yes some asshats make it look bad for the rest of us, but consider alcoholism/drinking.

hmm ask yourself what has caused more deaths, is PROVEN to kill you faster and makes you dumber the more frequently you use it.
–alcohol. omg! thats crazy i thought he was gonna say pot?

people say they hate stoners or people who smoke are lazy, slobs and dont give two shits about anything.

when in all reality there are millions of people throughout the world like me and my two friends(1 is the most honest/trustworthy/hardworking{he built houses with the amish for the less fortunate the past two summers and they wrote a letter to his family telling them how impressed and proud they are to work with him} and the other competes on a division1 hockey team) who consider alcohol to be a FAR MORE INHERENT DANGER THAN POT. but which is legal?

im not saying either is right or wrong i just think this country’s conception of it sucks major balls and the government’s is utterly worthless.



Fuckem, if they dont like it who cares. Smoke away man!!!

I wish these pics still worked.

true story


havent smoked in over a year now…but i do still miss those “pics” too