Me and Pat (psychoPJV) have wanted to run our cars to see the out come because we have basically the exact same mods. We met up at the usual spot and decided to go make a few pulls. EvilSRT came along also and got in on the fun.
na vs. na ----jeeves = psycho
I had to be a dick and spray him once obviously i pulled trains
Had about 5 runs with EvilSRT bottle to bottle. Each run i would have between 1/2 car and a car. I dont think there ever was a gap between my back bumper and his front bumper though. These were 40 and 60 rolls (he was still spinning at 40 with the slicks on :eek: )
omgiransomeonetonight?!?!?!?! yeah good times were had by all. i love no drama/bs and just getting it done. Evilsrtās car is one hell of a mover!!! i got to watch them to run since i was n/a. :tup: to all involved.
omgiransomeonetonight?!?!?!?! yeah good times were had by all. i love no drama/bs and just getting it done. Evilsrtās car is one hell of a mover!!! i got to watch them to run since i was n/a. :tup: to all involved.
Are you the one I ran after leaving mighty on Thursday night? If so, good runs.