i still say you need to get your ass to olds angel’s house just show up one day
well me and her are having issues right now, her man is jealous of the few minutes me and her even get to talk. He dad is sick and dying, this is one major reason she didn’t move here. like she even says, for me to go there would be like a huge step back for myself. there is nothing there for me. well she is there but i gotta make a life for myself and famington MO isn;t the place.
Why shouldnt he be?? Wasn’t she planning on leavign him for you?
you can’t be with her… i’m fucking that shit raw
no she left that guy because he was a joke, they were together for 10 years and he never tried to put a ring on her finger. I just woke her up that she’d be living in a trailer forever and she made me realize that nikki is a bitch. This guy is her best friends brother (bad idea) and they got together right before he left for iraq. he came back in feb. i mean yeah i’d hate myself if i was him cause i know how much she talks about me. But he has her and i don’t. if one’s GF wants to talk to other guys as friends thats fine, you gotta trust her and have faith in yourself. If she leaves with the other guy then she was a filthbag slut and your better off. I think angel is naieve in that regard, this guy has an ex wife and kids. I told her she deserves a clean slate not someones left overs.
ibhesnotcomplainingonebit! :idhitit:
its like throwin a hot dog down a hallway… that is if the hot dog was full size and the hallway was 1/1000 scale.
tru that
cutty run away mofo
Cutty, I’m not sure if you know my current situation nor would I like to discuss it on Pittspeed however you can’t always judge a situation from the outside, even if you know the details. I’m in a semi-sticky situation right now with military divorce and what not so I guess I’m a little sensitive to those type of situations
if it was true i was gonna say hope she doesn’t read all the stuff u said about her on here
with her though its not complicated, she’s a small town girl living a typical small town life.
i wouldn’t write nothing i wouldn’t tell her or that i already haven’t.
Well I guess no one can really judge a situation unless they are involved, which I guess makes me a hypocrit for getting involved…
makin sure we’re on the same page i’m talking about the ex
oh the ex… well i have nothing to lose by saying anything about her. she lives in Florida. It would have to be a complete turnaround and a long explanation for me to even talk to her on a friendly basis. just because she pradicted we’d break up and possibly meet again in the future and be together doesn’t make it right. Thats a bunch of horseshit. To tell you the truth the more i think about it, i had it made out in my head to better than it really was, i even made her seem better looking than she was. When things were great with christine. nicole was just a distant memory and only when things didn’t pan out with christine did nikki even come back into my head. you all know how it is, we all been there. your mind plays tricks on you when you are lonely.
uh huh
no girl could ever compare to Cutty’s love of the g-body anyways. As long as your car is good to you, you are good to go… :blue:
a car can’t love you back but then again it won’t break your heart either… G-Bodys fo life!!! geah!!!
im not sure if this thread is sad, pathetic, or just flamingly gay. i think it may be a combonation of the three.
probably all three, cutty has gone softcore.