the return of the Ex

she called me last night, she left her BF and moved back from florida and she says it was because of me??? So i go over there and before you know it we are back together. I haven seen or spoke to her in over a year and bing bang boom its like things never happend. am i insane?


run away, fast



sounds shakey.

she almost prophasized it years ago when we went out and now it happend. I mean we talked and talked and marriage even came up in the conversation. It just totally blindsidded me. Does this make up for the last two years? should i be happy? I’m all jacked up.

run nucca run

what about Olds Angel?

me and olds angel care about eachother a lot, more than best friends but she has a guy now and plus we are just in different places, in location and life. If olds angel was here it woulda been a done deal last year. Its weird, all the agony nikki put me thou was just erased in seconds. I feel like i was put on lay-away for the last two years. But then again all the good stuff i felt is back too.

Yes. She’s just depressed that she is all alone (again) and is playing with your head. You are taking her back because you feel lonely and you feel bad for her.

(And you know I was right the last time something like this happened with a chickie.)

I know you’ll do whatever you want, but certainly don’t end it just because all your internet friends said you’re crazy. Give it a chance since you already started the cycle. :slight_smile:

you’re being played, again.

wait till she meets someone else and you have to go through the same shit as last time.

cutty is the rebound guy?

keep her as a pocket ace

am i being played? or am i the player?


seriously thou thanks for your replies, this is something that could happen. Hopefully by then i won’t be a pathetic single guy and make the mistake of falling in the trap.


hopefully she dont say april fools with your heart

WOW you’re even gayer than I thought :weak:


i had a good guess on this one

some asshole on olds power tied to say oldsmobile was comming back, like i didn’t expect that today.

sorry bros, i had to get someone today and the people at work knew i was plotting.