the rev al rant

If you would have read my post, you would have seen that I mentioned gender in it as well. I don’t believe there should be an Oxygen or Lifetime channel, just like I don’t believe there should be BET.

Obviously, there are going to be certain very specific things that are going to be exempt. For example, the tampon thing. Guys don’t need them. Same as if they found a cure or certain thing about Sickle Cell. Whites can’t get it, so obviously it would be stupid to advertise a Sickle Cell commercial on W.E.T. But the other ones that you said, they could be targeted towards men or women, because they all could use them. Nobody is excluded from changing their oil or drinking beer. Men are excluded from tampon usage because they typically don’t have a hatchet wound.

You want to argue for the sake of arguing, and try and find every little possible example that will go against the norm, go ahead. But I’m still for NO SEGREGATION at all. It would be for the best.

Not saying it would ever happen, but it would still be for the best.