x3. thank you jim.
showtime, youre my boy and all, and i’m not tryin to piss you off im just speakin on how it really is though.
x3. thank you jim.
showtime, youre my boy and all, and i’m not tryin to piss you off im just speakin on how it really is though.
a specialized magizine or TV is not segregation
& your saying it shouldn’t be specialized to something a person can’t control…
what about sex then??
how bout magazines for women…how bout lifetime & Oxygen channel
Maxim, Spike, etc…
how bout all the targeting your audience…cleaning, cooking & tampon commercials during womens shows, & car oil, beer , and T&A during guys shows…
if your idea was true everyone would be subjected to watching & reading the same thing
let it go…
If you would have read my post, you would have seen that I mentioned gender in it as well. I don’t believe there should be an Oxygen or Lifetime channel, just like I don’t believe there should be BET.
Obviously, there are going to be certain very specific things that are going to be exempt. For example, the tampon thing. Guys don’t need them. Same as if they found a cure or certain thing about Sickle Cell. Whites can’t get it, so obviously it would be stupid to advertise a Sickle Cell commercial on W.E.T. But the other ones that you said, they could be targeted towards men or women, because they all could use them. Nobody is excluded from changing their oil or drinking beer. Men are excluded from tampon usage because they typically don’t have a hatchet wound.
You want to argue for the sake of arguing, and try and find every little possible example that will go against the norm, go ahead. But I’m still for NO SEGREGATION at all. It would be for the best.
Not saying it would ever happen, but it would still be for the best.
i know how it is
i’m a light skinned black guy who grew up in a majority white town, went to a white private school til 8th grade & then to my towns public high school which was probably 15% total minority (blk & latino)
i’ve seen ignorace from both sides…not being liked by whites because i was black & not being liked by blacks cause i wasn’t black enough.
my wife is white…been married for 4+yrs & dated 8yrs prior to that…the stories her & i could tell…ignorat comments, being watched in the stores, police stops, etc…
& from anyone that know me will tell you i’m i very far from being a “thug” type.
ive been there & done that… so all of you don’t have to tell me about what happens, who does what, how people are precieved…etc…
so god forbid we have a magazine named “ebony” and a ghetto TV station with the word black int ht title…big fucking woopdy doo…let it go.
Answer this question for me. What would happen if there was a channel called White Entertainment Television?
i’m not finding every little example…they happen all the time everyday all day…pay attention to the TV, radio & magazine racks.
ie: when is the last time you heard a non-mens commercial on ESPN radio
gender is the biggest “segregation” …its everywhere.
whats the majority of the mags in the stands by the cash registers @ the grocery store…womens mags…soap opera mags, Glamor, etc…its just the way it is & its not gonna change.
There are plenty of double standards.
All the asians I know choose not to disclose their race on college applications. Why might you ask? It actually hurts their chances, good schools have swarms of asians, so they fare better as part of the masses, since the school has reached the “asian quota” so to speak.
Why don’t the NBA teams have more whites on them? I don’t hear any outrages about that.
There was that crackhead in New Orleans that said “Bush hates black people.” I didn’t hear anybody get their panties in a bunch about that.
Rosie O’dykell said that Christians are worse than radical muslims. Radical muslims proudly claim to be responsible for 9/11. She’s still on the air.
The political correctness in this country makes me sick. It is going to shoot itself in the foot, we will see a major change in power during this century. I’m not scared, I actually look forward to it. It’s the sheeple that will be in trouble.
I don’t really care about what Imus said. Anyone who cares (that isn’t on the Rutgers women’s team) needs to get a life. I don’t care if someone calls me a cracker, gringo, etc. I don’t care if you watch BET, WET, or midget TV. But if you deny the fact that whites (and Christians) are held to a different standard, you are dead wrong.
God help those of us who are white Christians, pun intended. We’re not permitted to be offended by anything.
They way this shit is going on today, im suprised any guys did not try and sue a bar for having a ladies night, where ladys get in for free and or does not have to pay for drinks that particular night. I could care less, but… its definatly not “fair” but neither is life…
A truer word has never been spoke.
somone would have something to say… i know the point your trying to make.
but who cares…its the work black hurting anyone?
& my other point…what else would they call BET… Urban entertainment Television? to me thats the same thing.
this whole “why can’t we” whining…gets on my nerves.
ok you can’t have a TV station called WET
and i can’t i go out with my wife without someone giving us a look
I can’t not get profiled by police when i’m driving my wifes SRX
i can’t go to fox chapel pool or edgewood county club without people making it obvious i’m not wanted there…
i can go on & on.
not saying its your fault or mine but its just the way it is.
also… I hate white people who complain about whites not being able to use the work nigger but blacks can…its usually cause they want to.
I agree with you, that those people have the wrong intent.
But would you agree with me, that blacks who do not want the word to be used, should lead by example, and not use that word either, regardless of the “form” or spelling?
If I choose to refer to myself as a redneck, I don’t have much room to talk, if someone else chooses to echo my statement. I know, I know, it’s like making fun of the President, or hearing some French faggot make fun of our President. It only seems right that we should be allowed to speak against our leaders, not some wine sipping sissies. But if the word is bad, it’s bad. If it’s acceptable it’s acceptable.
I don’t see a middle ground with vocabulary. I could insult someone of any race, without using any specific slang words. It’s a matter of inarticulate people who are lazy and/or uneducated. These same narrow minded dolts are the reason that congressman was ostercized a few years ago for using the word “niggardly.”
This is just a classic case of the fact that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Like AJ said up above, I have no problem with you, Showtime. It’s an interesting discussion. You’re a level-headed, intelligent guy. This isn’t something I’d discuss with someone if I thought they were going to get all offended by it. I just hope you don’t think its anything personal.
Moving along, whites complain they can’t use the N word? That’s stupid. It’s a derogatory remark, of course whites shouldn’t be able to use it. Whomever argues that point that whites should be able to use it because blacks do, well, those people should be shot.
I agree with you about the fact that the word “black” is not hurting anyone, but along those same lines, neither is the word “white”. But, one is o.k. to use, and one is not.
And while I understand what you are saying regarding your wife and you being an inter-racial relationship, you’re being judged by individual people who are either too ignorant, too biased, or just plain too dumb to realize that love is a lot more than skin deep. What I’m saying is, there aren’t any mainstream white or black leaders out there saying that inter-racial couples shouldn’t be happening (sure, there are some neo-nazi asswipes that would say that, hence the reason I used mainstream). But, if there were to be a white-centric television station called “White something something” or whatever, it would be blasted all over CNN, MSNBC, and paraded out in front of the media by guys like Sharpton and Jackson as a terrible thing.
Also, just as an addendum to what I wrote, you’re getting stares and glances because you live in Pittsburgh. This town is racist beyond belief. I highly doubt you would get the same amount of stares or problems in a more socially accepting town or city.
Edit - This would be a much more useful conversation to have were it in person instead of the internet. Takes too long to respond and type
thats the whole point i’m making, bro. i am not pissed about it, i’ve watched the network and all. i’m just pointing out that if someone were to come out with a network called White Ent Television, then dudes like J Jackson would flip the fuck out and it’d get blown out of proprtion etc. its a double standard. i’m not tryin to change it and i deal with it, just as minorities have to deal with many mainstream things not being targeted towards them. i understand how it works, but i was doing nothing more than pointing out a specific thing that i feel is somewhat annoying. not tryin to sound like a white dude whining about something like that.
as far as n-word and the certain ‘white guy mags’ that probly exist on a lower level in the south and certain places (i.e - hate groups), i have no time for that. i cannot respect a person so ignorant.
And now, a Haiku.
positive thinking
a new era will arrive
all will be resolved
def. a good convo…& i’m not getting bent or offended.
& yeah typing all this sucks!!!
i completely understand your point…i just think that the double standard goes both ways.
i don’t use the word socially.
& not that i agree but the reason why blks use the word is to de-sensitize it…i’m not saying it works or is a godo thing to do…but that is the reason.