the rev al rant

The article wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, I just thought it was interesting.

As for the other ramblings, I think we’re both mis-understanding each other. I didn’t mean specifically to comedy, but rather, in general, every-day life. I just didn’t word it properly.

Since moving to Richmond I am now in a much more culturally diverse area than growing up in rural western PA.

I have noticed lots of different things about race relations.

I very rarely will hear someone openly say something negative about blacks however I routinely hear both blacks and whites say things about mexicans openly. Both races will sometimes when describing someone that is of the opposite race will describe them by their race, this is more common among white people describing black people but it happens both ways. Whites very rarely if every will describe themselves as white but more often blacks will describe themselves as black. However nobody bats an eye if you want to say something negative about someone of arab, muslim, or chinese decent.

Racism is a very messed up situation. I feel that I am treated differently by blacks than by whites. A black guy often seems less willing to try and talk to me or be friendly with me. You can call this racism or it may be a learned trait of white people in the past being less than friendly. So this whole process kind of perpetuates itself.

The whole idea of being PC and everybody is the same is kind of out of hand however. There are very little biological differences among people througout the world however there are major cultural differences among the people groups of the world. I spent some time working with a company that hired a few japanese workers and nobody considered it racist to comment on the japanese work ethic that these guys demonstrated, but in reality they had attributed a certain behavior to their race which should be a big no no.

I have noticed plenty of cultural differences in my move between rural and suburbs/city, north and south, and whatever but the rules now say that there is no difference in the way a country boy the grew up in the sticks acts vs someone that grew up in the projects vs someone that grew up in upperclass suburbia. Just think about it, how many doctors and lawyers in upperclass suburbs do you seen in donks with blingin rims, how many people growing up in urban neighborhoods do you see in 14 inch lifted 85 chevys with 44 inch buckshot mudders, and how many rednecks do you see driving BMWs. See everybody is exactly the same.

If we want racism to go away we need to stop bringing it up. Evertime someone brings it up that they were treated differently they perpetuate racism. They make others look at it in that way. Everytime someone is hesitant about speaking to someone of another race they perpetuate racism. This works both ways.

I don’t know how many times i’ve seen racial debates on pittspeed in the last 6 months…it’s a never ending argument over whats wrong and whats right. I’m the type who won’t say nigger/nigga or anything close to it because of the horrible background that word came from. It’s stupid and dumb and honestly it doesn’t matter what color you are you shouldn’t be saying it. As for the jokes…off color jokes are just as stupid as the people saying them…race/ethnicity/color…things that shouldn’t be included in the comedians world. You have racists people still out there and they aren’t too far from your home if you think about it…

Edit: Taco has the right idea in its entirety. It doesn’t matter where your from or where you live it’s about who you are as a person not as a ethnicity. Everyone should stop looking at things as “oh he is black” “oh he is Hispanic” because it does the world no justice…everytime kids refer to the middle easterners that run some gas stations they always say some ish like “that iraqi dude” or “the taliban guy”…when in fact those people don’t even come from those areas. It’s so much easier to communicate with someone if you understand them for who they are…not what culture they carry.

the funny thing to me is blacks in general seem to talk to me better and more often than whites. i just think that there are good and bad in all ethnic groups.

i think the big deal about all of this is how big of a deal it is.

this man has now been fired from both msnbc and cbs. he made a charity on a cbs radio station yesterday a million dollars in a radio telethon, so he still has some star power. but you mean to tell me that cbs is more worried and threatened by the opions of al sharpton and jesse jackson? who the fuck are they? is actually is it that puts these yahoos in the spotlight?

thats the bigger issue in this to me. hypocracy. both jackson and sharpton have futhered their careers on scaring people and preying on those in bad situations. PEOPLE HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN KILLED because of racist comments these men have made. all they had to do was say i’m sorry and their careers went on.

but yet when its someone else saying it, they should be fired. ‘i’m sorry’ won’t do.

that is what is sad and a double standard in this whole thing. men who have said much worse racially, started race riots with their words, people have been killed b/c of thier words but that doesn’t matter. it does not matter that both of these men have taken an awful lot of money from record companys with rap artists routinely saying nigger, ho’s, nappy headed. to jesse jackson and al sharpton, that is irrelavant. of course it is, they are paying you.

the more i hear jackson and sharpton talk, the more it sounds like its 1954 out there and people have to drink from different water fountains. i think they have done more to hold racial unity back than move it forward.



1st off…does the guy at the register say…"hey your white you can’t buy that Jet magazine…NO.

& second …about your WET & white magazine point… we talked about this before…months ago…MTV owns BET by the way.
there is a BET cause pretty much every other channel is WET…same with magazines.

ie: a highschool/college blk girl…is she going to pick on a Jane, or Marie Claire magaizne?? when its going to talk about doing blonde highlights, who Mischa Barton is dating & have Carrie Underwood on the cover…no she will pick up a Ebony with Sinai Lathan on the cover

or maybe you feel that everyone should conform to the Mainstream majority which is white.

same with car mags…should a mustang owner only be able to get “muscle car” mag…no he probably wants 5.0 or whatever its called so its geared more towards what he has & likes.

same with sports mags.

& as far a people bringing up “free speech”
yeah there is free speech, but there are consiquences…always have been & always will
anyone can say whatever they want, but might get fired, arrested, punched in the face, or killed…thats just the way it is

yes, but even black people can get on the cover of a “white magazine”

I see plenty of hip hop/rap on mtv


plus there is nothing that states on any tv channel or mag cover that its exclusive to whites. i realize that a white dude can buy a magazine, but thats not the point. there is no mag named “White guys Magazine” or something to that effect. and if there was ppl would be pissed, you cant deny it. and as far as most things being mainstream/white, ya thats true, but arent there more whites in the world? hence minority. i may be wrong, but i’m just putting 2 and 2 together. plus, i have yet to pick up a magazine that excludes any minority, such as you are refferencing. i have a corvette magazine that has a black dude posing with his c5 on the cover and that is the main article in the mag. look at anything motocross magazine, James Stewart has really brought the sport to something black people feel like they can be involved in and its a great thing. i’m just saying, if you are tryin to act like there isnt a bit of a double standard, you are kidding your self.

Oviously this is beating a dead horse. I did however get pretty upset over this whole ordeal. I am not really racist, but this has gone too far. He NEVER once said anything pertaining to being black, nappy headed hoes… there are nappy headed white girls out there? Sure we all know what he was pertaining to… but I am just sick of black people being able to make fun of white people, but the min you drop the N bomb, people are ready to fight and cannot live their live the same way from that point on. Give me a fucking break… there are white and black niggers in my opinion, your skin color does not excuse any of your actions.

Rev and Jesse are both niggers in my opinion… go cry a fucking river! You dont see my crying because someone called me a cracker, you dont see me crying because there is BET, but no WET. How about black history month? I guess whites have no history?

this thread sucks

& so do whites on blk oriented magazines…robin thicke, eminem, timberlake, probably about the same percentage.

& the ones your taking about are ones that been accepted. haley berry, mariah carey, etc… same with whites on blk oriented mags.

& the reason you see hiphop on MTV is because its becoming more mainstream… yrs ago MTV had to ahve a specific show…MTV raps, but not its gotten into the mainstream. & really its because its POP… “popular music”
you don’t seem much good “non pop” hiphop on MTV

just like you see music by white artists on BET.

its a magazine geared towards a certian race…they have them for black, asian, latino, etc…
why is that wrong?
your saying mainstream mags dont discriminate…no they don’t but why should a asian,blk, latio have to pay $4 for a magainze that has 20% info they are intersted in. when they can get a specialized mag thats has maybe 85% just like cars mags, sports, etc…
id rather read SLAM then ESPN…cause is 100% B-BALL where ESPN is maybe 25% if that.
now…your gonna say well how come whites don’t have a specalized mag…they do…all the “regular mags” …they are like 50%+ white … its the mainstream cause america is majority white.
same with gameing mags…why buy a general gaming mag when you can get a playstation mag, or computer gaming mag

i don’t think there is anything wrong or biased for either side.

on a side note…i’m sure down south they have a mag called “white guy magazine” or similar…but its not sold on the shelfs…either special order or vist your local militia pickup…LOL

the issue isnt that white ppl appear in black magazines or blacks appear in whites…its just the fact that blacks have titles of these things that is exclusive to them, but if white people did that, mother fuckers would go ape shit. i dont care that there is black mags or BET or whatever, but i’m just pointing out the double standard that exists

you’ve got to be kidding me.
so the problem is that the title of the mag is “ebony” or “black somthing”, or “Asian somthing” or “Latino something” etc…

what the fuck you want them to call it.

can oprah call her magazine oprah or is that bad too cause shes a black woman"

I’ve read publications ranging from “WAR” by the white prider’s to La Raza’s publications, Black Panther pubs and numerous other propaganda items.

It’s all brainwashing by small minded people to get sheeple to follow them, make trouble and make the so-called leaders feel self-important, just like these two morons, Sharpton and Jackson.

They should be teaching tolerance and harmony instead of spewing hate like the rest of the idiots.

We all should also just learn to ignore all these pimps and they’ll go away.


He’s not saying that you can’t call BET “Black Entertainment Television”, or the NAACP, all he is saying is that if white people had a television channel that was called “White Entertainment Television” there would be such an outrage and crying from toolbag assholes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that it would only last about 5 seconds on the air.

That is the absolute truth, whether you want to take off your blinders and believe it or not.

To me, it just seems stupid that blacks, latinos, women, etc… want to be given equal rights to others all the time, except when it is okay for them to be segregated and have things like BET, NOW, etc… I am 100% for no segregation. But no segregation should mean NONE. That means no groups exclusively for whites, blacks, women, men, Alzheimers, Crohn’s, or feet larger than 13. You want to segregate people on the basis of something they can control (such as weight, the language they speak, preferring hunting over fishing, things that can be altered or changed to fit the “norm”), I don’t have a problem with that, but nobody should be segregated for something they can’t control like the color of their skin or their gender.
