the rev al rant


your wrong…
like i said before…comedians can make fun of other races…they just have to be good @ it.

ralphy may
bill burr
george lopez
& others all make fun of black people…but they are good @ what they do.


i think you got that backwards… making a reude comment got him fame…
& like i said before…i don’t look @ it as racist…i think its ignorant in general.

There’s two white people on that list. How many minorities make fun of whites? And how many whites make fun of minorities?

It’s for sure more socially acceptable to make fun of whites.

sorry i didn’t go through the entire comedic directory & pull out every name.

I thought puting “others” @ the bottom was good enough but i guess not :rolleyes:

whos fault is that…
bo…fuckin ho… just like everyone in here telling the rutgers team to get over it… get over.

like i said before if its funny its funny… the thing is there are not many white comedians who can pull off funny jokes about minorities.

you talk about what you know…
over weight comedians make jokes about being over weight
gay comedians make jokes about gays.
jewish comedians make jewish jokes
married comedians make fun of marriage
comedians with kids make fun of having kids
minoritiy comedian make fun of other minorties & whites…why whites cause eveyone in america is force fed white…the majority of TV is white, the majority of radio is white, etc… so they are familiar with it…thats just the way things are.

i bet IF there are any comedians in north africa (i’m talking areas where there are 95+% black & no tv, radio etc…) i bet they aren’t making jokes about white people.

there are white people who can leave their house & not see one minority all day, i don’t think its the same for minorties seeing white people.

so the minorties talk about what they are familiar with…if they make fun of the asian or indian store owner or the textbook white guy its things they are familar with.

its the same with lewis black making fun of christianity…hes jewish but christianity is the mainstream so he is force fed it all the time & knows about it so he makes fun of it.

another example… david spade maing fun of american indians…funny is funny.
In theaters this Friday is “Pathfinder”, the story of a young Norse warrior who is taken in by American Indians and raised to stop the invading Vikings’ by taking all their money at the Blackjack table.

& him doing a racially related joke…funny is funny
Shots were fired at a party following the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, wounding three people. Following the incident, the three victims were nominated for a Source Award.

PC America.

Yea, you’re right. Fat’s make fun of other fats, yadda yadda yadda, but only the whites making black comments are castrated for it.

Written by a black journalist, by the way.

did you not read anything i posted…
WTF is up with people reading comprehension.

i said noting about imus being racist or it being a racist comment…

i said it was ignorant…period. if they were all white & he had said stringy blond haired hoes, or whatever its ignorant.

likde i said imus is a nobody… & before that comment the basketball team was more famous then him…

& as far as your article…he says the same thing i’m saying…

imus is a nobody… “a hack”

there should have been an apology to to the team(which was done) & thats it.

end of story

I’m no racist, but I will continue to make fun of blacks and mexicans

please re-read my post…


cause they try to talk about shit they have no idea what they are talking about.

eveyone brings up chris rock & dave chappelle…

well they are not your normal inner city black male.
chris rock went to almost all white private school & was sujected to a lot of discrimiation…which he claims fuels his comedy.
chapelle went to a performing arts school etc…etc…

so they are making joke if what they are familiar with…

like i said…if you go to north africa where where is 99% black i bet there are no white jokes.

ad Rich Vos to the list of white guys making racial jokes…but he can pull it off…& knows what hes talking about.

Also add Jim Norton… but this Don Imus stuff is gettin old. Ya he was dumb for making the comment, but they went over born with this (Sharpton)

whats their to know? its not like black people are some sort of exotic caged animal of sorts, which is almost how you are defining them.

If I cut you, youre gonna bleed red blood right?

You wipe your own ass with toilet paper right?

You eat the same food I do right?

just because you have a better tan year round doesnt make you different enough for me to not be allowed to make fun of you :smiley:

im a misanthrope…so i will continue to make fun of you & all others

put it this way…if i was going on a trip for a long period of time
i would have a hard time filling a bus, probably even a van for that matter with people i could stand for a few weeks, months, etc…

& I mostly dislike retards…& i’m not talking about people born with or had a accident, etc… causing a mental or physical retardation…i mean people who were born normal & grew into retards.

ie: grow ass man wearing light up shoes.

my head hurts

on another note i don’t see anyone complaining about the comments jesse and everyone said about the duke lacrosse players

So let me get this right, as long as it’s funny when I say, I can say anything I want?

Damn, my stupid white ass thought the U.S. Constitution, Amendment #1, gave me that right, not humor.

And just for the record,

I am a racist. I hate everybody…:bigok:

Imus is fired off radio now…3 days ago he was a well paid radio host now he is unemployed. way to go big mouth show off

Rev Al and Jesse Jackson blow stuff out of proportion… there isnt such a thing as free speech anymore.



i dont know who Imus is but from what i read, he makes cbs alot of money, so i wouldnt call him a nobody. its not like anyone really cares about rutgers womens bball or anything about rutgers in general either though. what he said was wrong, no doubt. its tough to argue against the fact that whites have to walk a fine line whereas minorities have alot more slack when speaking / making fun of other races. its just like if someone came out with a magazine called “Just for White men” it would be met with an insane amaount of criticism but there are plenty of mainstream mags for blacks etc…also BET. what if there was a WET. same difference. it sucks but thats how it is. i really dont care and i’m not trying to put down either side, im just stating it how i see it.

Now stop making fun of our friends south of the border…:eek3: