the rev al rant

I agree with you, that those people have the wrong intent.

But would you agree with me, that blacks who do not want the word to be used, should lead by example, and not use that word either, regardless of the “form” or spelling?

If I choose to refer to myself as a redneck, I don’t have much room to talk, if someone else chooses to echo my statement. I know, I know, it’s like making fun of the President, or hearing some French faggot make fun of our President. It only seems right that we should be allowed to speak against our leaders, not some wine sipping sissies. But if the word is bad, it’s bad. If it’s acceptable it’s acceptable.

I don’t see a middle ground with vocabulary. I could insult someone of any race, without using any specific slang words. It’s a matter of inarticulate people who are lazy and/or uneducated. These same narrow minded dolts are the reason that congressman was ostercized a few years ago for using the word “niggardly.”