the rev al rant

He’s not saying that you can’t call BET “Black Entertainment Television”, or the NAACP, all he is saying is that if white people had a television channel that was called “White Entertainment Television” there would be such an outrage and crying from toolbag assholes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that it would only last about 5 seconds on the air.

That is the absolute truth, whether you want to take off your blinders and believe it or not.

To me, it just seems stupid that blacks, latinos, women, etc… want to be given equal rights to others all the time, except when it is okay for them to be segregated and have things like BET, NOW, etc… I am 100% for no segregation. But no segregation should mean NONE. That means no groups exclusively for whites, blacks, women, men, Alzheimers, Crohn’s, or feet larger than 13. You want to segregate people on the basis of something they can control (such as weight, the language they speak, preferring hunting over fishing, things that can be altered or changed to fit the “norm”), I don’t have a problem with that, but nobody should be segregated for something they can’t control like the color of their skin or their gender.