The rich don't pay their fair share in taxes!!

Holy crap that’s a lot in taxes. I won’t tell you what I pay in NV. Yes my house was a lot more but no state income tax and low property taxes are nice.

^ That is part of the problem in EA.
There has been no new assessment since 1986(?) so all of the new houses have to carry the load.
If is f**king bullsh*T!!!

Funny you mention that because I would LOVE to move my company to Reno.
Buy a house in Tahoe.:eekdance:

its totally not worth it to buy a house in EA

move it to vegas and i’ll head up the logistics and getting you out there. then you can pay me to manage a sales team. :smiley:

But I don’t pay enough taxes!?!:rant:

I just might take you up on that.

Holy shit!
I know in some towns they only tax you on 1/2 of the assessed value of your house, i’m guessing springville is not one of those towns.

yeah I remember asking about your taxes before in this thread,

I could never buy a home like yours just for the fact that I would be throwing away that much money in taxes each year and getting nothing for it. I maybe able to afford a mortgage on a large home but dont feel like paying 1200/mth in taxes.

how much did they assess your house for?

are you going to fight their assesment?

i mean clearly you have the value of the land… and u have the value of the house built on it… and you know what the market value would be… are they inline with your assesment?

It is half and it’s East Aurora not Springville.

wait… so what is the overall tax rate per 1k? and do you get STAR hahaha

They may tax you on 1/2 the value, but usually its double the taxes so your not saving any money.

damn man you even pay more then me.My house appraised for $685k a couple years ago and my taxes are a tad under $13k.One of the better things about G.I…
Not sure if there is anyway for you to fight it as it is a new build.

Can I ask a dumb question from a property ownership newbie point of view.

If you buy a house for $200,000 and the taxes on everything are say $15,000 a year, how are they paid?

Are they paid monthly in small ammounts or when you file your taxes do you claim your house and property or do you get a bill in the mail?

Def move to Vegas over Reno if you had to choose between the 2.

there it is. Ewww…

Taxes on a $200,000 house first of all would be more like $5k or $6k. Most banks make you put your taxes in an escrow account, so that the state doesn’t come and take the house from you when you don’t pay them. So, it is part of your monthly mortgage payment.

2 ways in escrow(which is divided into 12 payments and added to your payment each month)
Or just pay the bill when it comes in if you are good at budgeting money.
You can write off your taxes as well.

That’s up to you. You can setup an escrow account with the mortgage company and they’ll take the extra each month an save it for you.

EX: 200k house, 6k/year in taxes.
500/month goes into escrow, on top of what ever you pay for your mortgage. Then when the tax bills come in (property and school) the mortage company just cuts a check and pays them out of escrow.

The down side is you’re earning little to nothing on that money. If you invest that 6k and get a 10% return that’s $600 you lost to have the mortgage company hold your own money for you. Hell, a zero risk savings account @5% is $300.